", Such food when eaten provides a taste that is far beyond anything a real tastebud could ever feel, and addiction is fast, difficult to resist and often lethal as mere mortal foods are not even considered food to an addict. At the end of the duration, the target has a fulminating heart attack and dies (DC25 con save reduces it to 10d8 necrotic damage). In lower doses it produces a pleasant high, but in higher doses (and for particularly sensitive individuals) it can cause a person to literally split in into multiple versions of themselves. It also only tastes that way to the person whose tears it actually is. Most people will prepare before taking the drug and lie in bed or in a grassy field, but those with more desperate addictions can often been found collapsed in the streets, stone still except for rapid eye movement. "Fever Fire: Made from the petals of a translucent flower that grows even in the coldest and most barren environments. 100 Fantasy Drugs and Their Effects One hundred different fantasy drugs that are illegal in most planes of reality. However, once the time is up the drinker must succeed a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or gain a level of exhaustion. ", ", This continues until you break the addiction. Additionally, all of the shards have an aspect or condition representing their intoxicated state. ", Sometimes, these visions allow the user to see into the future. The following is a list of the top 100 prescribed medicines by U.S. National Sales in Q4 2013. function RndMsg() { One to five doses (depending on Wis or Con modifier) are enough to develop an addiction. The high provided is incredibly intense, and as a result such services are usually only offered with the recipient strapped down on a specially constructed bench. The drug list may have medicines not covered under your prescription drug benefit plan. Advantage on sight based perception, investigation, and insight checks. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! When a sufficient quantity is consumed mixed with wine, it puts the drinker into a catatonic state for several hours. The cauldron is then heated until the flower dissolves, then left in the fire until most of the alcohol evaporates and a black sludge is left. The sludge is then mixed with Chemis sawdust, at which point it can be either eaten (either by itself or as a spice) or smoked. Shadowfell Sage: Chewing the pitch black roots of this plant will grant the user a deep sleep for 8 hours, during which they will appear dead to anyone that fails a DC 16 medicine check. The juices can stain the teeth and lips with repeated use, leading to addicts being easily distinguishable thanks to their blood-red teeth and lips. After a period of time at GM's discretion, the shards will coalesce and merge again into the original character. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. "Fizz: A bubbly, sweet drink in a glass bottle. ", This effect lingers within the body and goes in and out of dormancy every 1d12 hours and lasts 1d6 hours. When you drink a Fizz-Cola, you have the urge to drink another. Additionally, all of the shards have an aspect or condition representing their intoxicated state. When drunk it causes it user to see colors more vibrantly and lights to shimmer and become more liquid like. "Vladri: Arguably the strongest drug made in the Material Plane, vladri consists of Underdark mushrooms dissolved in spider venom. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. "Raybark: not actually made from bark at all, but by grounding up the thin strips of brightly colored fungus that grow on the northern side of raywood tree trunks. Once used it will give 3d8 necrotic damage but it will also grant a +5 to stealth checks for the next hour as the user appears to fade into darkness. Eating it raw or making tea out of it makes the individual unable to remember anything that happens to them for the next 8 hours. The taste is mild but unpleasant, like blood and lemon juice mixed together, but the flavor is easily masked with alcohol. Oddly enough, people with only one eye anyway are immune to this effect, so it is very popular among Cyclopes. After 24 hours without another dose, you cannot heal using your hit die or over a long rest without using more Drakeroot. If failed the Player is in a waking dream for 1 hour and must be led by another party member. Zooterran: Made from refined Exem plums. Drug trademarks and servicemarks are the property of their respective thirdparty owners.- A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association They can commonly be found in bright sunny climates. ", Afterwards, user is immune to pain (they still take damage, but it doesn't bother them) and they have +2 to all ability scores for 10 minutes. EvaluatePharma predicts that AbbVie’s Humira will stay on top. The user can move objects in a telekinetic fashion as if using mage hand 3. When stabbed into the body, an affected creature takes 1d4 piercing damage and 2d4 poison damage. It grants the ability to speak with plants and animals for 1d4+1 hours, and the comedown has a DC15 CON save. When consumed they apply a temporary new life. Yggdrasil Sap: A legendary drug that causes you to see into your future. After a period of time at GM’s discretion, the shards will coalesce and merge again into the original character. ", If the target survives, it then flies into an unstoppable rage for 30 minute. It can be an exhilarating or miserable experience, depending on how it’s used- a drooned-up hand marvels at the softness of silk, but might seize up and develop rashes as the temperature fluctuates. You will definitely get questions about the top 200 prescription drugs on your PTCB exam. It’s named Deluge because it feels like a flood of energy and power washes over you. Taken by dipping in hot water and inhaling the vapor from the tea. A dose in excess of twice the normal amount per body weight tends to result in worse experiences during the fugue- downing a whole block of Ceruminal soap often makes one feel like their muscles have sloughed off and were then shredded, all while the user can still feel their muscles. Barb: A thorny stalk from the Cheb barb weed (looks like purple buck thorn). Addiction 1, psionic. Dreamer’s Fancy: A dark, shimmering liquid extracted from a rare root. It fills you with a sense of euphoria and you feel like you can do anything, for about an hour. The more the user eats, the more they want to eat. ", When stabbed into the body, an affected creature takes 1d4 piercing damage and 2d4 poison damage. The drying process moves this little guppy from incredibly poisonous to merely dangerously hallucinogenic. At the conclusion of the first semester, you will be expected to know the commercial (trade) name and generic name of each drug and to be able to spell them correctly. When consumed you believe you have a different life. It is generally consumed by mixing it with water or some other beverage, and it tastes sweeter than sugar. "Weirdling Tea: a tea that shifts in color from orange to blue, when drank the user sees the effect of a roll on the wild magic table. When imbibed, renders the drinker unconscious as it plunges their mind into a black void in which they have full control to shape and create whatever they wish. When blessed, left to wither for at least three days, and then dehydrated completely and turned into a powder becomes a strange blessing all it’s own. Salja: extracted from the hair-thin root endings of certain tundra grasses, Salja is a faintly bitter, dun paste. "Redthyme: Also known as hate in a bottle or bone-hurting juice. Terran Brandy: A brandy made out of the essence of dying fey. Kane SP. Reverie sticks can also be snapped in half under one’s nose; a sharp inhale of its contents delivers a powerful rush of euphoria. "Mushroom Love: Made from the spoors of Myconids it gives those that inhale its vapors a feeling of connection and is highly addictive. ", Applied to an open wound that is then sealed with either bandages or magic. Information on commonly used drugs with the potential for misuse or addiction can be found here. As well, it can give the user a sense of mental sharpness and alertness. Sharpsugar: Expensive, indulged in by many performers to give them the boost of energy. Top 10 causes of death; ... 30 January 2020 . Removes one level of exhaustion, gives advantage on perception checks, and adds 5 to your movement speed. When burned, the smoke causes non-hostile creatures to enter a relaxed, dreamlike state. Some alchemists can potentialize this effect, making it stronger and longer lasting. It is not harmful in and of itself, just highly addictive. "Feydust: A soft white powder that, in the right light, shines with soft blues and red. Droon is rumored to be the refined toxic extract of a particular tall cactus. ", The user sees through illusions and shape shifters, but also hallucinates to the point of being unable to tell truth from reality. ", Once addicted you no longer have to make CON saves after each dose. Very cheap, but also quite addictive. "Devil's Tongue: while high: everything seems so surreal, your body feels numb in a good way, and everything sounds far away. "Cave Fisher Blood Ale: Often drank by Dwarven Berserkers from a killed cave fisher, many simply drink the blood straight and use it's powerful intoxicating abilities to boost battle potency at a price. It grants the ability to speak with plants and animals for 1d4+1 hours, and the comedown has a DC15 CON save. Check out a complete list of the 2020 recipients and meet our Top 10 students and IUPUI’s most outstanding student. But, is it accurate or merely a hallucination? Made from the ground leaves of a rare herb found deep in the jungle. (Smoked): Constitution save. All effects last an hour. The user gains resistance to psychic damage after the effects have worn off the user must make a CHA saving throw (DC 18) or take 3 Int score damage until their next long rest. A dose in excess of twice the normal amount per body weight tends to result in worse experiences during the fugue- downing a whole block of Ceruminal soap often makes one feel like their muscles have sloughed off and were then shredded, all while the user can still feel their muscles. Use causes bonuses to IQ based tasks but also makes its user seek it out more and more for increasingly trivial tasks. ", Usually consumed while diluted in water and/or in combination with a spiked drink. Powdered Order: A drug made from a Marut’s metal body this rare and expensive drug is taken when mixed with liquid and drank. User doesn't become angry though, instead becoming far more confident than they could have ever been without it, nearly crossing the line into cocky. When chewed on, it causes the user to have a pleasant, tingling sensation of the lips, tongue, and gums. The attached list represents most of the drugs you will encounter as interns, techs, and later as pharmacists. That’s it. It gives an adrenaline rush and time seems to slow down but the duration of the high is short. "Umber Hulk Brain Brew: A rare thick dark brown drink. Overdosing on Sundrop causes feverish conditions, as the drug radiates through the users veins, ultimately burning them alive from the inside out. Usually consumed while diluted in water and/or in combination with a spiked drink. Devil’s Root: A black root that is ground up and snorted. Addiction 1, 50%, planar. Last updated: February 2014 (updated quarterly). ", This was initially used for miners who worked in conditions of extreme cold, but was quickly discovered as highly addictive, warping the user into complete dependence on the drug. Taken by dipping in hot water and inhaling the vapor from the tea. Originally used as a magically synthesized antidepressant, Sundrop when consumed tricks the user into believing that they are happy, as it quite literally gives them ‘warm feelings’. Study Top 200 Drugs using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. "Drakeroot: Concentrated nectar of the mandrake plant. ", This Top 200 drugs list is current for 2017 and is based on previous years total prescriptions by volume dispensed. Bekijk de top 100 beste series uit 2020 op Netflix in Nederland, gesorteerd op IMDb-score. "Sutara: When applied to the tongue, the user can speak any language they desire, that is, if they can handle the drug. Remember to give them a tip as we go by’). Zaegoo: Harvested from a breed of gelatinous cube native to the colder regions, it causes a biting cold sensation on the way down, but gives you immunity to cold damage and the ability to withstand cold climates for 3 hours. After drinking, it’s effects last for 1d4 hours. Stardust: This dust is harvested by aliens and eldritch space horrors from dead stars and from the wake of meteors. The user has advantage on checks to resist fear and disadvantage on checks to resist being charmed for 1d4 hours. This rage works as though the creature were a first level barbarian, except that they cannot choose to end it. ", Also roll 2d20. However, the temporary magic abilities come with a price: each time an individual ingests Deluge they take Constitution damage: 1d4 for average doses, 1d6 and above for purer doses. The Top 200 Drugs Flashcard Review for 2020 [Print Replica] Kindle Edition by David Heckman (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. Such food when eaten provides a taste that is far beyond anything a real tastebud could ever feel, and addiction is fast, difficult to resist and often lethal as mere mortal foods are not even considered food to an addict. A thoroughly nasty little potion brewed from a strange red weed, the eyes of a cat, thyme, willow sap, drippings from a cow's liver, and the moss from a human skull. Mainly used by torturers as a social lubricant, but masochists will sometimes also seek it out. "Tasha's: a powdered form of Tasha's Hideous Laughter, looks like a great time, but really isn't. When snorted, effects include: darkvision, insomnia, compulsion to follow or stare at light (disadvantage on all checks made against an opponent who is holding a torch or near a bright light source), and a feeling of weightlessness. Consumed through the nose. Brighteye Venom: This venom has, so far, only been consumable by having the Brighteye Spider inject the user. Snakeroot: A root that can be ground into a hallucinogenic powder. --- Effects are like true sight, but they allow the user to see (into / alongside) other worlds, mainly hellish landscapes mangled into ours. Ironically, the supply of the drug is tightly controlled by the Paladin order. After the salt metabolizes, the soul feels overcome by adrenaline, increasing Strength, Stamina, and Dexterity by 2 for an hour, and they are compelled to do physical tasks. Underdrink: A strong alcoholic beverage created by the Duergar, Underdrink consists of several poisonous herbs and monster venoms, all mixed and distilled in a ceremonial fashion. The data reflect a rolling 12 months of history (July 2013 - June 2014) on the top 100 drugs by total sales and total prescriptions in the United States. Once smoked the user gains plus 4 to strength checks while smoking but must make a DC 20 CON save or their brain and tongue swell giving them -5 to their INT score (Min 4) and an inability to speak clearly and a temper. At lower doses, all it does is help clear sinuses. Other than mild dependency, users have a tendency to gradually turn into eldritch horrors with long-term exposition to the drug. The high provided is incredibly intense, and as a result such services are usually only offered with the recipient strapped down on a specially constructed bench. Watchroot: A simple, unprocessed root commonly used by goblins. Vladri: Arguably the strongest drug made in the Material Plane, vladri consists of Underdark mushrooms dissolved in spider venom. This was initially used for miners who worked in conditions of extreme cold, but was quickly discovered as highly addictive, warping the user into complete dependence on the drug. In the past this drug has been used by lawful evil villains to catch or incriminate their enemies or by lawful good heroes for largely the same reasons. Heavy users are eventually drawn into the Feywild, leaving their friends and families behind, often without saying a word. Top 200 Prescription Drugs: ( 1 - 200 ) WITH AUDIO | PTCB | (Pharmacy Technician Exam)It took me many hours and days to finish this video. All of these effects do no stack. After drinking, it’s effects last for 1d4 hours. "The Flayed Mind: A drink containing some of the Mind Flayer's mind-numbing powers. Crit: A street drug, popular with daredevils and dreadnoughts that will make every roll a 50/50 critical fail or critical success for 1d6 hours. "Watchroot: A simple, unprocessed root commonly used by goblins. Okay, now for the catch: the character’s stats must be distributed among the shards with no duplication, so the sum of the shards’ abilities is the same as the original character. A creature injected with Brighteye Venom must pass a DC 16 Constitution save. Once snorted or eaten the powder will temporarily provide limited random psionic powers. ", ", It is not advised to make this drink if you aren’t familiar with stones, as the wrong kind will scratch your throat and provide you no benefit. After being ingested the user can cast confusion 3 times no spell slots required. "Smorock: In the transitive planes, objects left behind slowly dissolve from existence. "Ceruminal: a sparkling, faintly greenish wax originally sold as a decorative soap. In 2020, 9 of the 10 best-selling drugs by revenue are projected to be specialty drugs, compared with 3 drugs in 2010 and 6 in 2013. "Unicorn Wax: Burning this wax-like substance that is found under the tongues of certain unicorns and inhaling the smoke will cause the user to experience hallucinations of a magical, bright, and colorful world for 1d12 hours, and increases wisdom by 1 for 1d6 hours. It is generally consumed by mixing it with water or some other beverage, and it tastes sweeter than sugar. They experience a sensation of being transported elsewhere, into a vast unlit space. The tears produced are the main attraction of this drug. Patch: It works similarly to ecstasy, expanding yourself to feel the sensations all around you. 100 heeft hier 116 pt, en er zijn 190 tracks geweest in deze lijst, waarvan 63 tracks al voor 2020 in de lijst stonden. After a few minutes, flames begin cloaking your body - as long as you remain focused and calm, they cannot hurt you. Survivors have described the experience as 'pure hell'. May or may not invoke the wrath of an archfey. Addiction 2, nature. When overdosed, the user experiences sensory overload, becoming confused for one minute. Causes your eyes to water a ludicrous amount. Pipeline drugs for 2020. Figures include sales through both retail and hospital channels, listed by drug name and sales value in U.S. dollars. ", Most people will prepare before taking the drug and lie in bed or in a grassy field, but those with more desperate addictions can often been found collapsed in the streets, stone still except for rapid eye movement. ", Created by a former herbalist drug dealer that was coached by a paladin to quit their habit and change their life around. The Barbarian’s Secret: An ingested dark red liquid that tastes strangely coppery. If failed the player is suffocating and immediately takes 1 point of exhaustion, they gain the benefits and disadvantages of orally. ", (Snorted): The player does not get the effects of the drug but has disadvantage on intelligence checks and Charisma checks for 1 hour. Some alchemists can potentialize this effect, making it stronger and longer lasting. ", "Ogre's Breath: A strong smelling drug that was accurately but a little unimaginatively named. Ember Berries: These faintly glowing black berries are used in coming-of-age rituals in a certain druidic sect. When consumed it allows the eater to see and hear into both the ethereal and astral planes, interact with creatures found there, and see invisible or shape-shifted creatures for what they truly are. ", Dextroamphetamine; Dextroamphetamine Saccharate; Amphetamine; Amphetamine Aspartate, Fluticasone Propionate; Salmeterol Xinafoate, Metformin Hydrochloride; Sitagliptin Phosphate, Amlodipine Besylate; Benazepril Hydrochloride, Click here to read more about the process of creating the DrugStats database from the MEPS prescribed medicines file, Read more about the ClinCalc DrugStats database. To remove the addiction you can make a DC 20 CON save after going one month without taking a dose. "Purified Stardust: The raw dust is harvested by aliens and eldritch space horrors from dead stars and from the wake of meteors. ", The side effects are similar to pot, but too much can result in paralysis. Mountain Lotus Extract: A rare but enormous mountain lotus is put in a cauldron filled with alcohol and sugar. A user's sinuses and sense of balance are thrown out of whack as the drug begins to take hold, making them very dizzy. Roll 1d4 and the resulting effects lasts 10 minutes. Overdose causes one of your eyes to desiccate and fall out. Things outside of ((1D4+2)*10) ft. are a blur of colors and shapes. Addiction 1, demonic. ", When overdosed, the user experiences sensory overload, becoming confused for one minute. However, it only has access to such things as it could previously have acquired from another mummy powder user. Gives the user -4 intelligence and +2 wisdom while smoking it, though it takes a minute to kick in and a minute to wear off once the user stops. When drunk, it provides a psychedelic trip for 1d4 hours (halved on a DC 15 con ST and doubled when failing by more than 5). All effects last an hour. +5 temporary HP and resistance to bludgeoning damage for 1 hour. Addiction 1, 10%, nature. Dream Flake: Thin slivers of a dried, black fungus. Even characters lacking such vulnerability, become belligerent and disagreeable after doing a line of Venge. 2020 Table of Drugs . ", Third (after 8 weeks): Death. No signup required! Some particularly daring patrons will pay handsomely for a high ‘straight from the source’, taking the breath attack of the faerie dragonhead on and inhaling deeply. To everyone else it tastes like tears. Useful in assassinations, murders, and general evil. During this time you have advantage on all ability checks and attack rolls. When you drink it, you go into a coma for 2 hours. "Snakeroot: A root that can be ground into a hallucinogenic powder. Deluge: Packaged in single-dose vials, ingesting this ethereal blue liquid gives subjects temporary access to spell-like abilities of varying degrees; usually cantrips and 1st Level spells, but sometimes more powerful spells depending on the purity of the substance. And out-of-pocket costs for the drug have gone down. Even characters lacking such vulnerability, become belligerent and disagreeable after doing a line of Venge. But the user also loses their memory of the most recent 1d6 hours. This is because the magical energy that Deluge is providing is actually taken from their own souls and continued use will cause them to gradually wither away. "Underdrink: A strong alcoholic beverage created by the Duergar, Underdrink consists of several poisonous herbs and monster venoms, all mixed and distilled in a ceremonial fashion. ", Of either are a 1-2 roll on wild magic. Also makes its user completely intoxicated. The smoke seems to be lethal to most insects, and those that don't immediately die drift around aimlessly until they do. Enhanced proprioception can be captured of tree only found deep in the near future pheromones meant to make men crazy. ( 1D4+2 ) * 10 ) ft. are a 1-2 roll on magic! Iupui ’ s sense of touch accompanied with it residue from the wake of meteors undead characters take 1d6 damage. Intelligence saves stones tile the floor and neither walls nor ceiling can captured... 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