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We look forward to another great year at Marines’ Memorial and know it will be with your help! But due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest celebration has been cancelled. Every year around the Marine Corps’ Nov. 10 birthday, Marines around the world gather to celebrate the history and honor of the Corps while recognizing the … "http:":"https:",this.b=Math.random()},xn=new pn,"complete"==kn.document.readyState?Sn():En.a&&Qe(kn,"load",function(){Sn()});var In=new Tn(["google-auto-placed"],{google_tag_origin:"qs"}),Pn={},qn=(Pn.google_ad_channel=!0,Pn.google_ad_host=!0,Pn);function Wn(e,t){e.location.href&&e.location.href.substring&&(t.url=e.location.href.substring(0,200)),An("ama",t,.01)}function zn(e,t,n){return n||(n=ut? !e&&null!=e.location.href)e:{try{ae(e.foo),t=!0;break e}catch(e){}t=!1}return t}catch(e){return!1}}function Pe(){var t=p;return function(e){for(var t=p,n=0;t&&n++<40&&(!Ie(t)||!e(t));)t=qe(t)}(function(e){return t=e,!1}),t}function qe(e){try{var t=e.parent;if(t&&t!=e)return t}catch(e){}return null}function We(e,t){var n,o=[p.top],r=[],a=0;for(t=t||1024;n=o[a++];){e&&!Ie(n)||r.push(n);try{if(n.frames)for(var i=n.frames.length,l=0;l=l.innerWidth? 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