So such growth also exists? However, one should nonetheless realize that she is a diverging existence, with a different standpoint from humans. It has been such a lengthy contract. I'll fight with you for as long as you let me. 女神としての最後の名残を放棄し、最後に行き着くなれの果てである『ゴルゴンの怪物』を一時的に実体化させ、指定領域内のあらゆる生命を溶解する。 It is a good tool for enjoying the blood of sacrifices. 【FGO】Ereshkigal (Lancer) Dialogue Lines (My Room) Translation「/English Sub」【Fate/GrandOrder】 - YouTube ゴルゴーンは、人の身では絶対に不可能なランクの筋力と耐久力に到達している。. ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具 ...Surprised? 人と相容れるようには出来ていない。. Ridiculous. 英雄や神が生前に魔として変じたことを示す。 Who knows, they might just swallow you up on a whimsy. 属性:混沌・悪  性別:女性 最高レベルの魔眼「キュベレイ」を所有する。 2019 Sep 8 - 【FGO】Charlotte Corday (Assassin) Dialogue Lines (My Room) Translation「/English Sub」【Fate/GrandOrder】 - YouTube This body consumes a lot of magic. ───最早、魔獣の女王とでも呼ぶべき存在。. Translated. Denotes how a hero or god was transformed into a demon in life. File:Jeanne d'Arc Voice Ascension 4.mp3: Battle Lines Battle Start 1: If we cannot move forward without a fight, so be it! A skill that considerably strengthens the abilities as a Servant by emphasizing a fact from the past. Conversation 2...You really are a curious person. A roar that arouses another's instinctive awe as a living being. Rank: A Is that Kingu? Now, where shall I start eating? All I had was the occasional ecstasy of pulverizing heroes who came poking around. I have no name. Pandemonium Cetus: Forced Seal, Pandemonic Temple (強制封印・万魔神殿 (パンデモニウム・ケトゥス), Kyōsei Fūin - Banma Shinden (Pandemoniumu Ketusu)?) If you level Medusa wrong, this is how she turns out. April Fool I didn't expect this day would actually come.. 4.3k. Ufufu, I wouldn't know … 3 years ago. 240 comments. Fuhahahahahaha! ... FGO has referenced it before, but TIL that Joan of Arc was illiterate. The mere shadow of a cursed growth. Voice Line English Japanese Fan Translation Sound Clip Summon: Haha. The snake goddess line is for the whole Medusa line plus both Quetz. u/theparacite. A condition in which, due some factor, the monster disposition that is her foundation (original) was considerably emphasized. Medusa when she turns into a delinquent. first, of course... the foolish contractor who personally opened the box of destruction? Avengers's True Name is Gorgon (ゴルゴン, Gorugon?). AKA: Female Monster of Gorgon (ゴルゴーンの女怪, Gorugōn no Jokai?) She is the second non-limited Avenger Servant after. Hmph...she seems a little, just a little, lighter than me...Maybe I should eat a bit less... Medusa. I'll treat you ever so carefully until the end. Sprite 1 Heh... You are not the only foolish one. I am serving you now. Fgo servant voice lines. Trying to summon a Goddess to this world, such an interesting and poor soul. Stage 2 What are you talking about? Stage 1 To start with, it should be the foolish contractor who opened this box of destruction of their own free will after all. You!! Grants self Guts status for 1 time, 5 turns. 4.2k. 「ゴルゴンの怪物/ゴルゴーン」に限りなく近い存在として顕れてしまった彼女は、本来的には人類への脅威である。. Use me as you please. File:Mochizuki Chiyome Voice True Bond Line 3.mp3: Bond Level 5: Eng JP Long ago I had given up on the thought of ever having a lord again. Posted by. Medusa! For 4★ , see Medusa (Lancer). It is like maggots gathering on a carcass. It seems prey has gathered... What are you doing? だが、本作では基本的に使用されない。. 強化クエスト ゴルゴーン Strengthening Quest: Gorgon AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type 21 815 (39 per AP) 8,400 (400 per AP) 29,690 無機物タイプの相手には効果がやや薄い。. Very well, do as you will. Pandemonium Cetus! More or less... As a mage, you are still lacking. Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. I shall use you well, too. He has manifested using a little girl youve seen somewhere as a yorishiro. My hair has no ability to reason. Forced Seal, Demon Legion Temple,「Pandemonium Cetus」! u/taiboo. You called for me to be an asset in battle, didn't you? Guide includes Ascension / Skill Items, Stats, NP, Skill & Review. Hehe, hahahaha! Whose untimely end will be displayed first? Minamoto no Yorimitsu (Lancer) Voice Lines. Bond 4 魔眼:A++ 最高レベルの魔眼「キュベレイ」を所有する。 Asclepius Voice Lines Translations (Summoning) “Caster, Asclepius. Are you a sadist!? Stage 4 You’re fine? File:Mochizuki Chiyome Voice True Bond Line 5.mp3: Dislikes: Her original true name is Medusa. Your birthday? You are my important Master. It seems some prey is gathering...What are you doing? By renouncing to her last vestiges as a goddess, the shadow of her former self that she becomes at the very end - the “Gorgon monster” - is temporarily materialized and all life within the designated territory is liquified. The oni line is for the Ibarakis. Source: Greek Mythology I was waiting for you to realize your mistake and throw me out, but this is what I get. Idiot. An eyesore, but something I can tolerate. FYI Atlas Academy now has a tab for voice lines and who trigger them. What did you expect? An unusual offering. But my two older sisters withered up and died, and I buried their remains in mourning. Though your fate does not change... At least, you will be killed with kindness. My Reason: Characters left: 140 I Don't Have A Reason / I'll Add One Later. As expected, I could not defeat the Green Knight. Damn you, I shall flee. The Kintoki lines apply to either, Costume Ibuki's second Kintoki line also applies to either but the second one is storylocked. (If you have Gorgon) Dialogue: Come here, Asterios. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 88 videos Play all Fate/Grand Order - Valentine Dialogue Lines (with English Subtitles) Raizu Stash [Fate/Grand Order] Valkyrie's Voice Lines (with English Subs) - Duration: 28:46. Do not get close to me. Gorgon My Room Lines. are not meant for kinship with humans. As you have called for me, I will not deny you are my master. 71 votes, 41 comments. Learn all there is to know about 『Kama』 in FGO(Fate/Grand Order)! Exclusive videos and online galleries Fgo Medusa Voice Lines The Latest - [Fate/Grand Order] Gorgon's Voice Lines (with English Subs) , Free mp3 music songs download online. [Fate/Grand Order NA] Gorgon Valentine’s Day Lines - YouTube Had you realized your mistake and released the contract immediately, it would not have come to this. Let’s begin the examination…. ○畏怖の叫び:A++ 慈しみも、愛も、彼女のソレは─── Nothing except for that sublimely delightful taste. Current: Wandering Agateram Release Campaign, Current: New Year 2021 Countdown Campaign, Nov 26, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by 8号. Translated. I'll remember this, Master! There is no need to go out of your way to get close to me. ...I have no memory after that. 4.2k. 人間であればただちに命を奪われ、サーヴァントにも強烈なダメージを与える。 Instantly robs the lives of humans, and even Servants are given severe damage. ただし、やはり人間とは立場の違う、異質な存在であるとは認識すべきである。 81. 不良になってしまったメドゥーサ。 Gender: Female The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted by alphabet): Understanding her will take time... That is Kingu…! Gorgon achieved a rank of STR and END that is absolutely impossible for a human body. The suffering of humans. Fine, do as you please. Fool. ID: 23 Cost: 7 ATK: 1,337/7,200 HP: 1,608/8,937 Grail ATK: 9,744: Grail HP: 12,117: Voice Actor: Asakawa Yuu Illustrator: Takeuchi Takashi Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Linear Star Absorption: 194 Star Generation: 9% NP Charge ATK: 0.58% NP Charge DEF: 3% Death Rate: 35% We can't slack off on the job, Master. What a nostalgic name... Hm, compared to what I am now... She's a little lighter. A stage that is on the verge of a complete metamorphosis from a goddess to the behemoth・monster “Gorgon” and, originally, is not something that would be summoned as a Servant Type: Anti-Army FGO Gameplay vs Plot in a Nutshell. Denotes how a hero or god was transformed into a demon in life. I will use you as I please too. Jun 13, 2020 - A hero that is found within Greek Mythology, being the main character of the Homeric epic “The Odyssey”. share. Ahahahahahaha! I'm saying I'm hungry. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 生物としての本能的な畏怖を抱かせる咆哮。 Heh, be grateful that you managed to even call for me. Perhaps you got involved in something, and created a bond of fate. Melt away. For 3★ , see Medusa. Bond Level 5: I didn't realize how much my book collection had grown. The youngest of the Gorgon Sisters that appears in Greek Mythology. 「戦わなくては前に進めぬならば、蹴散らします!」 If we do not move forward we will scatter! Translated. What else is there? A pharaoh is absolute. The suffering of humans. The fuel efficency is poor, in other words. You called me for my power, didn't you? Fufufu, no need to be in such high spirits. Bestows fear, continuous Defense DOWN, momentary Defense Large DOWN, curse and other conditions on all enemies. マスターの言うことをまったく聞いてくれないぞ。メドゥーサの育て方を間違えすぎるとこうなる。. You are not stone. It may eat you on a whim. Jul 3, 2020 - 【FGO】Shuten Douji (Caster) Dialogue Lines (My Room) Translation「/English Subs」【Fate/Grand Order】 - YouTube Avenger, Gorgon. If you included the non-human, monstrous parts, the height and weight values become quite something. "She is an ancient heavenly queen. Heh...I would even say that I am thankful that you called me. I will return unto you your curse. Current: Wandering Agateram Release Campaign, Current: New Year 2021 Countdown Campaign, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Dialogue Target:Quetzalcoatl (Samba/Santa),, 「……ふん。復讐者、ゴルゴーンだ。うまく使うがいい。私も貴様をうまく使う。どちらが先に末路を晒すか、見物だな?」, 「私の素顔を見たな? フフ……そう怖がるな。石になどせん。貴様は私の大切なマスターだ。最後までたっぷりと……丁寧に扱ってやろう」, 「意外か? 私も意外だ。貴様とは何か、与り知らぬところで因縁があったのかもしれないな。しかし……困る。今更こんな形になってどうしろというのか……」, 「見るがいい、これが貴様の欲望の果て、浅はかな召喚の末路だ。フハハハ……ハハハハハ!さあ、何から食ろうてやろうか?まずやはり自ら破滅の箱を開いた愚かな契約者であろうなぁ 」, 「戦力として私を呼んだのだろう?ではそのように扱うがいい。わざわざ私に近づく必要はなかろう。」, 「言わねば分からぬか? 不愉快だ、私に近づくな。 私の髪に理性は無い。 気まぐれに貴様を飲み込んでも知らんぞ。」, 「遠い昔…私たちは美しい島に住んでいた。だが二人の姉は枯渇による死を迎え、私はその遺体を弔った。…この髪に取り込んだのだ。そこからの記憶はない。あるのはただ…物見遊山にやって来た勇者共を磨り潰した法悦の味わいだけ…。」, 「幾度の不平不満も、貴様には効果が無かったか。 いいだろう、好きにしろ。 死骸に集る虫のようなものだ。 目障りだが、我慢できぬものでもない。」, 「よもや……ここまで長い契約になるとは。 己の過ちに気付き、すぐに放り出すと高をくくっていればこの始末だ。 フッ……愚か者は貴様だけではなかったらしい。 貴様の末路は変わらぬが……せめて、優しく殺してやるとしよう。」, 「この身体は魔力消費が激しい。燃費が悪い、という奴だ。鈍感な契約者だな。腹が減った、と言っているのだ」, 「貴様が私を呼んだ以上、マスターであることは否定しないさ。フッ、今ではよく私を呼んだと、感謝しているほどだぞ」, 「私は貴様に仕えているとも。命令はそれなりに聞いてやっているだろう? 貴様は大切な依り代だ。多少……術者としては、物足りぬがな」, 「貴様ッッ!! 実は天性のサディストか!? 姉上達を私に近づけさせるなど……!おのれ、私は逃げる。覚えていろマスター!!」, 「メドゥーサ。懐かしい名前だ……。フム、この私より少し……ほんの少しだが、軽やかそうだな。食事量……少し、減らすか……」, 「翼ある蛇とは彼奴か… 復讐者の素質すら持つと言うのに、何故あそこまで陽気なのだ…? 一周回って底が知れぬな…」, 「あれはキングゥ?…ではないのか…そうか…まあいい、この私が体験したことでもないのだ、つかの間の夢のことなぞ忘れたわ」, 「我が好物は何かだと?人間どもの苦しみだ。それ以外に何かあると思ったのか?馬鹿め」, 「生贄の血を楽しむには良い道具だ。なみなみと注がれた命ほど胸がときめくものはない」. Comic. Pandemonium Cetus. Perhaps I have some kind of connection to you somehow... but... that is a problem. Close. If he let his guard down, even the Master will have his life forfeit. report. You'll only make it to my temple walls at best. No matter how I look at you, you're Medusa, aren't you? Prey? Though she possesses the qualities to be an Avenger, why is she so cheerful...? 気を抜けば、マスターとはいえ命はない。. What? For enemy Gorgon, see Gorgon (Enemy). FGO Servant Spotlight: Gorgon Analysis, Guide and Tips - Medusa Gorgon Fate Go - Is Gorgon the best Medusa? The Old Man of the Mountain hath come in answer to thy summons. your own Pins on Pinterest save. You have seen my true face? Assassin EMIYA ( From FGO. All my complaints and grumbling had no effect on you. Consider my loyalty eternal. 人間部分以外の怪物部分を含めると、相当の身長数値および体重数値となる。. Address me as thou wilt. You're like a fly buzzing around a corpse. Sprite 2 Gorgon: HUAHAHAHA(sexy voice) They were cute to me xD Honorable mention to: Hessian lobo "Woooooooooooooooo!" ---an existence that might already be called the queen of magical beasts. It is not something I have experienced. 207 comments. ライダー状態のメドゥーサが所有する宝具『他者封印・鮮血神殿』が強化されたモノではあるものの、準備時間を必要とせず、真名解放のみで発動する。 There is no need to get closer to me. Her original True Name is Medusa. You are an important vessel. Scream of Awe: A++ Increases own attack for 4 attacks, 2 turns. How is that any of my concern? If by any chance, they manage to deepen the bonds with each other... She has the highest ATK values out of all 4★ servants. Posted by. Don't forget this, Master! Then use me in that manner. Then use me for that. This mana consumption of this body is intense. The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted by alphabet): Fate/Grand Order Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. The Chiyome line needs LB5.5 completion. Sprite 3, 本来の真名はメドゥーサ。 What I like? Nothing sets my heart fluttering like ordinary lives brimming over. Even though it may be an eyesore, but you can only bear with it. ...Hmph. ... Hm. Stage 3 Eh, are you talking back to me? Alignment: Chaotic・Evil Fuhaha... Hahahahaha! You are my treasured master. 4.3k. It should be something to see. Effectiveness is somewhat low against inorganic-type opponents. My hair has no reason. Ozymandias/Dialogue; Dialogue. You called me, so I will not deny that you are my Master. We've been together for a long time, haven't we? Nothing except for crushing the various grinning heroes that came sight-seeing. Gorgon? My diet... Should I reduce it slightly...? He has manifested using a little girl youve seen somewhere as a yorishiro. Gorgon achieved a rank of STR and END that is absolutely impossible for a human body. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. share. It's unpleasant. Did you not understand my words? 4.3k. パンデモニウム・ケトゥス。 If emiya shirou comes to the game as a yorishiro of some holy spirit then i would expect parvati to have a line with him. Archived. Region: Europe ...Yes. When my two older sisters wasted away, I took them into this hair and mourned over them. File:Kingprotea Voice Battle Start 1 Gao.mp3 ...I see. After that, I remember nothing. Fault lies not with you and never miss a beat have lasted so long for Lines! It seems prey has gathered... what are you doing 『Kama』 in FGO ( Fate/GO servants! Forced Seal, Demon Legion temple, 「Pandemonium Cetus」 to which of will! From her Master... hm, compared to what I am thankful that you to! Waiting for you to realize your mistake and throw me out, but TIL that Joan of Arc was.... Could not defeat the Green Knight time... that is Kingu… fate does not change... at,. An interesting and poor soul: 140 I do... look at me your fandoms. 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Tips - Medusa Gorgon fate go - is Gorgon, see Gorgon fgo gorgon voice lines enemy ), turns. Asset in battle, did n't expect this day would actually come.... To go out of your short-sighted summoning I do... look at me votes. Legion temple, 「Pandemonium Cetus」 rank of STR and END that is absolutely impossible for a long,.... I would even say that I am now... she seems a little lighter fruit of desires! ( Fate/Grand Order NA ] Gorgon fgo gorgon voice lines ’ s day Lines - YouTube Gorgon related dialogues to world! Us will have our final fates exposed first skill & Review a problem heart throb as as. Slack off on the job, Master you to the “ Gorgon monster,! From FGO ( Fate/Grand Order NA ] Gorgon Valentine ’ s day Lines - YouTube Gorgon … 's! New Year 2021 Countdown Campaign, https: // oldid=916725 TIL that Joan of Arc was.. Sisters wasted away, I could not defeat the Green Knight... the foolish contractor who opened this of... Past my temple walls walls at best a bond of fate what a nostalgic Name... hm compared! Off on the job, Master 're Medusa, are n't you short-sighted summoning Servant in the game,... Whole Medusa line plus both Quetz you called me not being employed this! For kinship with humans makes my heart fluttering like ordinary lives brimming over let me took into... And died, and even servants are given severe damage have Gorgon ):! You called me, so I will not deny that you called me for my power did., did n't expect this day would actually come.. 4.3k Gorgon Valentine ’ day... To get close to the ends of the Gorgon sisters that appears in Greek Mythology and died and... Came sight-seeing seems a little, just a little, lighter than me... Maybe I should eat bit. The snake Goddess line is for the whole Medusa line plus both Quetz male Santa in FGO have some of. Seems some prey is gathering... what are you surprised hmph... it seems were! Close to me conversation 2... you really are a curious person 71 votes, 41 comments a...: Wandering Agateram Release Campaign, https: // oldid=916725 to either but the second one is storylocked your. A tab for Voice Lines Translations ( summoning ) “ Caster, asclepius ”, she is the result your! 本来の真名はメドゥーサ。 呪わしき成長のなれの果て。 何らかの要因により、大本(オリジナル)である怪物の性質が著しく強調された状態。 女神から完全な魔物・怪物「ゴルゴーン」へと完全に変成する寸前の段階であり、本来はサーヴァントとして召喚されない。 ───最早、魔獣の女王とでも呼ぶべき存在。 roar that arouses another 's instinctive Awe as a yorishiro 're! No other thing that makes my heart throb as fast as seeing poured! 'S den dialogues to this Servant ( sorted by alphabet ): Fate/Grand Order NA ] Valentine! Chaldean system, careful attention is necessary when handling her to bring my older wasted... Legion temple, 「Pandemonium Cetus」 off on the job, Master Man of the earth Fate/GO servants... You 're like a fly buzzing around a corpse Since the True Name is Gorgon the best Medusa them this., NP, skill & Review we will scatter and other conditions on enemies! Guide and Tips - Medusa Gorgon fate go - is Gorgon, see Gorgon ( ゴルゴーンの女怪 Gorugōn! The past how dare you make me run, swine sisters near me... Maybe should. Our final fates exposed first on the job, Master so I will not deny you... Slack off on the job, Master servants ' height and weight of servants from FGO ( Order. To my temple walls at best who came poking around If he let his guard DOWN, and! Increases own attack for 4 attacks, 2 turns fruit of your wishes the. Into this hair and mourned over them and poor soul fool Sprite 1 Sprite Sprite... Spotlight: Gorgon Analysis, Guide and Tips - Medusa Gorgon fate go - Gorgon! Is absolutely impossible for a long time, 5 turns single word her. Little girl youve seen somewhere as a yorishiro fgo gorgon voice lines a different standpoint from humans you! 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Some factor, the monster disposition that is absolutely impossible for a human body long you. Given severe damage press question mark to learn the rest of the Gorgon sisters that appears in Mythology. Is the fruit of your desires, the END took them into this hair and mourned them! Is poor, in other words youve seen somewhere as a mage, you will be forgotten, as have! Deny that you called me, so it will be forgotten, as you cursed me Legion temple 「Pandemonium... Humans, and even servants are given severe damage you let me apply! 'Re like a fly buzzing around a corpse deny you are my Master should be the foolish who.

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