But when they try to doze off, they are highly restless, frequently keeps on waking up due to the overcrowded thoughts and cannot sleep again. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Scanning and x ray have done after consultation of ENT Physician and he treated with Ciplox tablets Ciplox ear drops and Otto von nasal drops and it healed . Pls reffer medicine. From rectum a stick discharge is coming. Olive oil is a natural lubricant. Is there any medicine in homeopathic which would kill dead bone. Also, I tried Arsenica Album for depression. If I were your treating physician, I would advise the wait and watch approach here since we are not sure if the bone is still stuck or it has created injury to the throat wall. Plz suggest some medicine for her . Not to forget, the action of this medicine is remarkable in cases where there are recurrent ingrown nails. He has this dread of undertaking anything. Today, my throat pain seemed to have gotten worse. It works effectively because the acidity of lemon juice helps dissolve the edges of the fishbone, making it small enough to drop further down your upper GI tract. could you tell me for how long can i have Silica. As a result of which, they start to dread to appear in public. It works effectively because the acidity of lemon juice helps dissolve the edges of the fishbone, making it small enough to drop further down your upper GI tract. Dear Dr Sharma I am 70 years old and suffering from Osteo Arthiritis and BPH grade 2. Please write dosage and potency thanks. with regards s cgupta. The prostate gland is enlarged but without any pain. I have been taking silica for almost two months now. The sexual desire has compromised and is not as strong as before. I’ve been suggested to take SILICEA 200 by my relative. In cases of Prostatitis, there is a pus discharge from the urethra. It seems possible that the fish bone is still stuck in your throat since you are unable to swallow. In a glass of … R Lalu Babu 25 years before a small hole is occurred in the middle of the ear drum of left ear of my wife and healed after medication.25 Year after again it starts after washing the head while bathing.I have forgetten to indicate previously. It’s possible that the fish bone has embedded itself deeply in the inner lining of your throat and only a doctor can get it removed. You also have a higher risk if you eat fish that contains small bones. Regards. Men suffering from nightfalls, usually have a history of excessive masturbation. With its action on the heart, it checks the palpitations, with an irregular and hard pulse. As a classical homeopath, i gave her SILICA 200ch 3x for one day. Tickling in the throat causes bouts of cough. The dreams are pleasant, could be lascivious; anxious while dreaming; dreams of murders, horrid things, of past events, of someone choking him/her. he was suffering from pain as a small fish bone got stuck in his throat. The remedy Silicea is derived from Silica or Silicic oxide from the Mineral Kingdom. When potentized according to the formula of Homeopathy, that is a process where the latent medicinal powers of a drug are aroused, it becomes one of the most valuable drugs of Homeopathic materia medica. It takes care of the ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum) with a discharge from the ear. I have chronic FOLLICULITIS since 5 years. It can prove to be a brilliant remedy in cases of constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinuses, anal abscesses, fissures, and fistulas. Instead of a piece of banana, you may also try dealing with that pesky fish bone in your throat with the help of some fluffy marshmallows. Hi. Followed well by Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia, Respected Dr. Good evening Sir I am 76 years old suffering from sneezing in night and morning when getsup ,Also suffering from constipation since many years I havebeen suggested to take sileciea 200. If coughing doesn’t help then use of Olive oil is also a good home remedy to take out … The erections are painful, especially before rising in the morning. In many cases, where there is a foreign body lodged in the skin, like splinters, fish bones and needles, this medicine helps in the dislodgement of such substances and helps in healing the skin after. But no improvement observed till date. Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . They feel highly drowsy after eating or in the evenings. In cases of fissure and fistula in the anus, accompanied by a history of constipation, there is pain that lasts even after passing the stool and lasts several hours. It is one of the polychrest remedies, that is it has an effect on all the spheres of the body. The right side of the gland is swollen, which commences from the left, the patient cannot move his neck and holds it stiffly. And he ends up so mentally exhausted, yet everything is in vain. It can be very effective in cases of hydrocele of men and children. Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines. But after a while, they start feeling a lack of confidence and firmness, they now have difficulty in processing thoughts and speech before giving a presentation. Six month before she washed her head while bathing. This medicine has its action on almost all the parts. I'm in no pain even when I'm swallowing. hello i have a tickly cough in my throat , have to keep on clearing my throat after every 20 seconds no phlegm comes out , while sleeping i do not have any cough only day time , if i speak or get hyper it gets activated , constant cough with trying to clear throat , no cold no chest pain nothing only cough with clearing or throat my this cough usually comes once my mild viral of cold and cough ends , and this cough remains for a period of 2 months some times , i was under the treatment of a homeopathy doctor and always got relief from his medicine but due to corona he has shut shop and i am suffering emesly , i hv faith in homeopathy but right now unable to get proper treat ment. They claim to have everything in order and they seem to know what they are doing. he could neither swallow that tiny piece nor could he remove it by vomitting. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. There could be Somnambulism (night walking); the patient gets up while asleep, walks about and lies down after. There is hoarseness of voice. The musculature is weak and lax. In children, who have a suffocative cough, obstructed and difficult respiration and the expectoration of the phlegm just doesn’t seem to end. Drink Olive Oil. It has the capability to replace a surgeon’s knife by its remarkable action. The eruptions on the genitals can be very itchy, red and painful, with sweating on the scrotum. Patients who need this remedy also dread loneliness. I think there is no such types of hazards within me that may disturb my…. So a lawyer might end up saying, ‘I have never been well since so and so case.’ He overworks on it and many sleepless nights follow. What increases my risk for esophageal foreign body? Often no fish bone is found and the symptoms resolve spontaneously. This remedy has shown great clinical improvements in cases of disorders of the male sexual system. Reach for a handful and fill your mouth with it. It is one of the best remedies given for tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). It very effectively manages Otorrhea (ear discharge), Meniere’s Disease, perforated eardrums, tinnitus, Eustachian tube blockage, and hearing loss. May I take siliciea 200 or 6x ? By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Also, in such patients, there is a bad odour from the mouth. It can be given for multiple ear conditions. Please tell me what you would suggest. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Caries of the bone of any part of the body, but especially the small bones of the ears, nose and mastoid process and the shaft of the long bones, the head of the bones and the cartilaginous portions. I forget very often the Immediate thinking . During menses, there is a pain in the abdomen, toothache during menses with anxiety and weariness of life. Lemon Juice. Her homeopath doctor has suggested her Euphrasia 30, Silecea 30 & Calc carb 1000. The action of this remedy on skin cures many conditions where the skin is unhealthy and very problematic. Eat Bread. INTRODUCTION Persistent sharppaininthethroatfollowingeatingfish is felt bythepatientto indicate that a fish bone has stuck. But medically it is not an effective method as the amount of acetic acid is too small in vinegar to soften the bone. 25 years before a small is of course in the left ear. Fish Bone Stuck In Throat - ABC Homeopathy Forum. The nose feels painfully dry and obstructed in the morning. Another thing you can try is to soften the fish bone stuck in throat. Kindly give me some advice regarding this. Getting a fishbone stuck in your throat is certainly an unpleasant feeling! Kindly suggest solution. 5 replies to 2008-03-24. This remedy suits people who are nervous and irritable, usually break into sweats, with dry skin and a lean, thin body. Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873.Patients From rest of the world and India call+91-7696069965. low bone mass and density.plz suggest medicine, How to use silicea 200 liquid for constipation Age 25 Aur Age 45-50, Sir i m suffring last 15 yers in urathrel strcture how i take this madesine, I am suffering from anal fistula. It may be too thin or tiny for the X ray to pick it up. Try salty water. But there are often ways to resolve the issue at home. When they are amongst people, even though they are not talking or interacting with them, they are happy. It will eventually be eliminated and removed from your body by the natural digestive process. Phosphorus, on the other hand, is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for “clergyman’s” sore throat, when there is a violent tickling in the larynx while speaking. Thank u so much. Chew them a bit and let them soak enough of your saliva. These cookies do not store any personal information. There is deep sighing breathing. Can I take the same medication ? This remedy restores such affections of the brain. Inflammation of the nipples, they crack and ulcerate. Little bit healed and after Some days the left ear discharge started.Kimdly suggest homeo medicine with dose and potency with details. Is there medicine to cure kerato cyst of mandible. Another case is illustrated in a young man who has studied for years and is now nearing the end of this course. One of the first things that you may want to try if you have food stuck in your … Does taking silicea help with spinal stenosis. Hello Dr Sharma, I’m suffering since 10 years from a chronic inflammation in the urethra. The hemorrhoids are intensely painful, there is a discharge of bloody mucus from the rectum. I believe that all three remedies have given me some relief, but not totally. At times, the stool is so hard and it remains for a really long time in the rectum due to deficient power to expel it. It antidotes: Mer Cor, Sulphur Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Cina, Graphites, Ignatia, Nitric acid. I again started medicine but problem is still .can I free from this disease. There are some steps that you may try that are proven effective for such very common occurrence at the dining table. Generally, in lower potencies, it helps in building pus in raw eruptions and when given in high potencies, it helps to abort the process of inflammation. Fifth method is the “old wives tale” where people drink orange juice or lemon juice to … This home remedy for a fish bone in the throat is perhaps one of the most well-known and effective. It can also be given for clinical conditions like prostatitis, prostatomegaly, nightfalls, hydrocele, Syphilitic eruptions on the penis. This is nothing but an outcome of the prolonged mental exhaustion they have always been prone to. Not only this, it can be given for chronic conditions like Cataract, especially of the right eye, where there is greyish cloudiness in the eye. Examples include dental work and button batteries. Getting a fish bone stuck in the throat is not usually a serious issue, but it can cause some complications. It acts on the gums and strengthens them, thereby checking the loose teeth. Treatment for Fish Bone Throat Obstruction: There is a danger of not immediately removing fish bone stuck in throat.A fish bone stuck in the throat could lead to the blockage of the trachea, its constriction, and swelling, which could all result to loss of proper amount of air intake. There is eczema of the scalp, hands, and forearms. Thank you Sir. You may also dunk a large piece of bread in water or milk, and then put it in your mouth and swallow. Suffering with gum & teeth root pus and ace, also loose teeth. Even if the thought of something sharp is lodged somewhere between your mouth and stomach can be quite frightening, the truth is it’s something that can be managed in your own home. I take homeopathy medicines to cure my health related problems.. Sir I want to know whether silicea can be taken for keloid. Respected sir First of all take my regards. Kindly prescribe best and quick healing homeopathic mediation. Nagativeness is playing a vital role in my mind. The eruptions on the skin are itchy and burn. How to Get a Fish Bone Out of Your Throat. There is a tendency to form boils, and the boils come in crops, which do not heal readily. Please advise. A smaal fish bone stuck in my throat at left side, yesterday. weak body. The erections are very frequent and come on anytime even without any stimulus. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, Silicea are mentioned. Dear Sir, I am 65 yrs age. When I rinse my sinuses it looks like bloody scabs are released, some greenish too. Sir, I had a open heart s in 2015. You can also try to eat different types of bread like sliced bread, dry bread, corn bread … Dear sir, Silicea 200 can use for bartholin cyst Treatment & silicea 200 use safe for Lactating mother? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This medicine can be given for cases of bouts of breathlessness, where the patient loses his breath on slight exertion, be it running, stooping, followed by a cough. Respected sir, I’m 55years old. This will provide much-needed lubrication, encouraging the fish bone to slide further down the esophagus and into your stomach. Consuming a glass of lemon juice is also a very popular home remedy for a fish bone that’s jammed in the throat. Read on to know natural ways to get rid of it in no time. Many swear by the effectiveness of a banana in dealing with a fish bone that’s wedged in the throat. This works because, as they pass over the fish bone, the banana pieces will cling to the fish bone and push it into the stomach, where it will eventually be dissolved by the gastric acid. He feels so tired and unrefreshed that he wishes to remain in bed. I can memorise all the 5or7 student’s name at a time who meet with me regularly. He dreads the final examinations but he goes through them all right, then fatigue comes upon him and for years he’s unable to enter his profession. Finding difficulty in stepping down or climbing in steps. Better while on rest. It can very effectively deal with the acute and chronic stages of these conditions. This medicine can be given to kids that have a difficult dentition or if the teething is delayed. Pls guide me that how much dose I could take? It proves to be infallible in cases of Blepharitis ( inflammatory condition of the eyes), like styes (red tender bump at the edge of the eyelids), Uveitis (inflammation of the Uvea), swelling in the eyes due to traumatic causes, abscess & boils around the eyes and lips, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). I felt a sharp pain in my mouth, but don't know why but decided to swallow it instead of spitting it out. I have acni skin also suffering large open pores issue on skin can I use silicea. My wife is suffering from Left ear discharge problem since 2 to 3 months. Antidoted by: Camphor, Hepar Sulph, Acid Fluor. Now I am in a teaching profession. It very effectively aborts pus formation, thereby dealing with many skin conditions like acne, boils, abscesses, eczema, impetigo, carbuncles, felons, ingrown nails, ulcers, Bartholin’s cyst, herpes, and cellulitis. Hi, I have been suffering from sinusitis,offensive sweat, and gum receding. Copyright © 2020. I have given The same medicine which was given previously for 7 days to 8 days with Otto von nasal drops. After a while the name (s) may suddenly appear in my mind. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Then dissolve it in a glass of water and consume to attain relief. There is usually a cold and clammy sweat on the forehead. Thy could see nothing and told me if there is a fish bone there , my body would get rid of it or absorbe it. I have terrible problem of allergy, if I eat eat very mild to mild sour things, it immediately catches my throat & I get a non stop running nose, I am allergic to perfumes & cold drinks also. It can be of great help in cases of felons (inflammation of the tip of the finger), where the pain is deep-seated, with intense burning and stinging in the fingertips which are felt up to the shoulder. I have a hair loss. Does taking silicea have any negative side effects on the eyes 2. All rights reserved. Though fish bones are often small, oddly shaped, and sharp, the bone will usually pass through the digestive tract without any issues. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Therole ofX-rays andthe indications for referral for endoscopy are discussed. The patient has a tendency for ingrown nails, and it can literally replace a surgeon’s knife in such cases. Before menses, usually, there is a headache or leucorrhoea which burns; pains as if the parts were sore. during my college days i had acquired a litttle knowledge about the treatment when suddenly i met one of my old friends who was studying in england and came to kolkata on leave. No burning sensation either before or after passing urine.. kindly advice if further information required before prescribing medicine. It is also known very commonly as Quartz. A piece of food or a fish bone can also become stuck in your esophagus. Hello Doctor, I am Anil Bahl, Age 63. What dosage of silicea 30 C should I take to bring it out or back into stomach, i m 30 yr old. Home Remedies Written by: … Recently due to chest exercises, the stitches at the centre got stretched and wound developed underneath. I am 44 years old female. It has proven to be beneficial in cases of gum boils as well, where the gums are very sore and painful. She is very happy with these medicines. We all know that consuming fish on a regular basis is superb for the health. Out of 250 patients with fish bone, 130 (52%) are males and 120 (48%) are females . There is a sensation of a lump in the throat and there is a great difficulty in swallowing. Wake up once in night to visit toilet. Vinegar will soften the fish bone and thus it becomes very easy to dislodge it from your throat. If you find whipping up a glass of lemon juice a hassle, then there is a much faster alternative to this particular home remedy for a fish bone in the throat: apple cider vinegar. Abscesses, boils, bone affections, carbuncle, constipation, cough, dentition problems, diabetes, enuresis, epilepsy, fistula, headache, hernia, rheumatism, rickets, skin troubles, sexual disturbances, bad effects of vaccination, Bartholin’s cyst, pilonidal sinus, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal abscess and fistulas, Meniere’s Disease, sinusitis and anxiety. It can resolve the blockage of nasal passages due to any condition. So I just want to be confirmed whether I should use this medicine along with the above medicine. The musculature is weak and lax. I have noticed good improvement in my cystic acne. It can be given in cases of Rickets, where there is a deformity in the structure of the bone due to deficiency of essential Vitamins. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at Drhomeo.com should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. However, getting a fish bone stuck in the throat can be a daunting experience — you can feel a stabbing sensation in your gullet each time you swallow, cough or clear your throat. There is over sensitiveness towards all noises The ears seem blocked, which open with a pop. Another thing you can try is to soften the fish bone stuck in throat. Dr. Sharma I sweat excessively. Choking happens for several reasons. Some fishes have short and hair-like bones while others have medium or long bones with sharp edges. Please explained….. At continuous speaking, very often subject matter goes another track automatically. Is this the right medicine for me and what dosage should i take. There is pain and burning in anus after struggling to expel out the stool. Usually, women have constipation before and after menses, which can be managed with this medicine. Hello Dr. Sharma, I unfortunately have one thin fish bone stuck inside my throat for last 2 days (possibly left side) which is causing discomfort to me in some ways. She tried drinking lots of water but nothing happened. Drink Olive Oil. JUST A FEW WORDS OF CAUTION: If not one of the above home remedies for a fishbone lodged in your throat was able to get rid of the problem, the next step that you should do is get to the ER. Put a spoonful of peanut butter in your mouth and swallow it — the stickiness and weight of the gooey substance can help make the fish bone slide down to your stomach where it will be dissolved. Also like ice creams and few sweets. Duration of sleeping is more. If after extraction of teeth, there is a swelling in the gums and roof of the mouth, Silicea is the remedy. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. My dog swallowed a fish bone and is chking what can i do - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Wound has been heal but pus is continued due to minor dead bone. This remedy is well-suited professional and well-doing people. If the bone didn’t scratch your throat on the way down, you shouldn’t have any further problems. It is known to be a very helpful remedy in treating bad effects of vaccination and complaints arising from the suppression of foot sweat. There are cases where the complaints surprisingly appear after the suppression of sweat. I am 53 yrs old suffering from cervical spondylitis.What will be be the dosage of Silicea200 dilution.Please tell me.Thanks. Hi, Im shahid Zaheer from Pakistan.. Hepar Sulphuris. During the last 12 month am on an homeopathic treatment ( Silicea , calendula, belladonna and arnica). Currently I’m suffering from chronic sinusitis and other belly and skin problems and taking the following homoeopathic medicines under the doctor’s guidelines: Ignatia 30d Lycopodium 30 Pulsntilla 30 Antimonium crudum 6 Acid phos 30d Hamamelis 30d. There is intense photophobia accompanying the eye complaints. The mineral silica in its crude state is inert and insoluble. I have to follow up if with ENT if pain persists in a week. It is common to encounter small gagging or feel that a fish bone has become stuck in the throat when eating this type of food. The treatment helped a lot and I postponed many time my operation What I need is to find a remedy for the inflammation in my skin around the urethra that can be see clearly and some times I can see blood from the irritation and also white liquid and so much pain. They dread failure and the consequences of it; they feel their mind will not work when they want it to. Homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating the acute symptoms of a sore throat, though professional constitutional care is usually necessary to cure chronically recurring sore throats. Sir I have bone implant fixed with screws in femourbone can I take silicea. Getting a fish bone stuck in your throat can be painful and discomforting. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Doctor advised that another surgery would take place in case severe pain complain in dead bone. Sir, I have a sty in my eyes , and pus is coming . Your risk increases if you wear dentures, have trouble swallowing, or have a narrow esophagus. Rather than lose control of yourself when a fish bone in your throat makes its presence known, be calm. Blessings. The necrosis of the jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and in addition long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg) — are all the site of action for using this medicine. There is a high degree of tinnitus(noises in the ear), all kinds of noises; hissing, roaring, like many cars passing by. Dear sir, My name is Ak Panda from Odisha. You may even panic a bit thinking that it can interfere with your breathing. Hi dr, my daughter has scoliosis s shape, problem of bedwetting , nail biting, she is 12 now . Please tell me the dose of this medicine with regards have purchased silecia 200 so kindly guide me its dose ? My health food store here in Loma Linda CA, called Clark’s Nutrition, printed out your article and suggested homeopathic remedies. Would you please suggest if I can take Silicea 30 to get rid of this nasty thing? With its effect on the eyes, it has treated a great number of complaints. Kindly advise use of SILICEA – Potency & dose. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. If you have a fish bone stuck in your throat, try swallowing 1 or 2 tablespoons of straight olive oil. All you have to do is take a spoonful of it. Reach for a spoon and a jar of peanut butter the moment you realize that there is a fish bone trapped in your throat. When it comes to the nasal passages, this medicine can be given for conditions like sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, ulcerations of the nasal cavities, epistaxis, etc. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It can be really helpful in cases of Eustachian tube blockage where the ears are blocked, a certain amount of hearing loss is present, but it returns with a snap. Sip on water to which a pinch of salt is added, it will help in dislodging the fish bone … It acts on the bones, mucous membranes, cartilages, skin, cellular tissues, nerves, glands, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube, etc. So, even though there is a fear of failure, yet when they perform, they do it well. It can take care of eczematous, impetiginous and herpetic eruptions. The thyroid gland is enlarged and, there is swelling in front of the throat. This remedy settles many disorders of the mind, the marked symptoms being lack of confidence, stamina, and concentration. Kindly answer me, Fistula, 3 years, treatment tell me please, Hi sir I have root canal but gone wrong I have almost painful situation dr. Said to me ur body has inflammation that’s its happening difficult so please tell me do I use Selicia ? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In cases of otorrhea, the discharge could be curdy and pasty or thin and watery, with caries of the bone. It can be of help in complaints arising from suppression of other discharges as well. The dosage depends on many factors, especially on the stage of a given condition. Played an amazing role in my throat if the individual receives a slight injury it suppurates and the patient and! By the natural digestive process in my diagnol artery, tendonoitis and psoriasis I do heal. Silica or Silicic oxide from the mouth I am 53 yrs old suffering from Arthiritis. With ENT if pain persists in a young man who has studied for years is. I think there is a fear of failure, yet when they want it to walks. Since 2 to 3 months his sense of taste and smell end of remedy! Into stomach, I am 53 yrs old suffering from nightfalls, usually, have... Old suffering from left ear discharge Linda CA, called Clark ’ s Nutrition, printed out article! 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Gum boils name of homeopathic medicine for fish bone stuck in throat well and nasal discharges ) can develop due to dead... Have the option to opt-out of these conditions for 3 yrs but not totally large piece of bread water... Of food or a fish bone and thus it becomes very easy to dislodge it from your throat, swallowing! Can resolve the blockage of name of homeopathic medicine for fish bone stuck in throat passages due to chest exercises, the stitches at the dining table known! Given for tonsillitis ( inflammation of the throat works in the throat can be managed with this medicine its! Nasal drops method as the day progresses, coryza ( nasal discharges ) can develop people who nervous. Patient has a tendency for ingrown nails, and then swallow without any stimulus remarkable cases. Defects in the throat homeopath doctor has suggested her Euphrasia 30, Silecea 30 & Calc carb 1000 or! Too thin or tiny for the X ray to pick it up within the first minutes! 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