Hybrid Bluegill are a cross between a Green Sunfish female and a Straight Bluegill male. Our fish are health certified by a qualified veterinarian. Everyone is welcome! The Hybrid Bluegill is a cross between a green sunfish and a regular bluegill. Ponds with no fish, or only catfish, may be stocked with 1- to 2-inch hybrid sunfish at a rate of 150–200 per surface acre. This hybrid is the answer to your pond and lake stocking problems. If you like big bluegill to catch and to eat and have a small pond the Hybrid Bluegill is the fish to stock. It is very difficult to manage a pond of less than 1/2 acre for bass and bluegill. Size: 3"-4" $85 per 100. A true hybrid will grow more rapidly than a regular bluegill. Sometimes hatchery folk will sell more fish than is needed; most don't, but some do to make a buck. The stocking size for channel catfish and hybrid bluegill would be from 3 to 8 inches. The pond is nowhere near over populated yet I just did not plan to have hybrids in it because it's supposed to be a bass bluegill pond. Fish Pricing & Stocking Rates. This introduces chemicals to the water and the fish. They do great in warmer waters and feed on minnows, insects and commercial pellets. Those products create a very gradual shift in pH. This means for every 3 prey, you need one predator. Garden pond and Lake plants $1.50 & up. The Hybrid bluegill is the perfect fish for small ponds of one acre or less. Our first priority is to make sure your pond is stocked right the first time. We are Louisiana's premier source of largemouth bass, coppernose bluegill, hybrid coppernose bluegill, redear bream, native bluegill bream, giant Florida hybrid bream, and fathead minnows. If fertilization was not started in the spring, it can be started any time during the year, Sink said. The recommended fertilization programs can produce four to six times more fish than without, he said. Additional testing for VHS (viral hemorrhagic septicemia) is done on fish that are shipped out of the state of Wisconsin. If … Most undesirable submerged vegetation comes out of dormancy at water temperatures above 65 degrees, he said. Pond owners should start experiencing quality fishing in three years once ponds are properly stocked, he said. Because of this, the Hybrid Bluegill will attain a weight of 2 to 3 pounds at maturity. Table is based on stocking a body of water void of fish. It can reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen at night in the water for fish to breath, he said. And warm summer months are when vegetation growth is the greatest in the pond.”. When your pond is complete, or your established pond needs re-stocking, give us a call.. We have many varieties of fish available, including: Coppernose Bluegill, Native Bluegill, Hybrid Bluegill, Catfish, Grass Carp, Largemouth Bass, Tilapia, Fathead minnows, Redear Sunfish, Black Crappie, Hybrid Crappie, Golden Shiners, Threadfin Shad and Specklebelly Sunfish. This is by far the most common bit of bad advice that gets tossed at pond owners interested in big bluegill; oftentimes the person giving the advice will suggest alternatives that typically include stocking hybrid bluegill instead, a plan that typically has far more negative consequences long-term due to genetic deterioration after the initial (stocker) generation. He recommends first adding 5-15 pounds of fathead minnows per acre following the phytoplankton bloom. When this happens, largemouth bass in the pond cannot remove enough small crappie from the pond to limit the population. Sink said structures should be made of natural materials like wood or rocks because tires and plastic pipe are petrochemically based and degrade over time. The number of bluegill, catfish, and bass was decided by the kyfw ( new pond program )the redear (hybrid) was chose by me. Redear sunfish do not have a sufficient reproductive rate to sustain bass populations on their own. Minnows are easy prey that will spawn several times during early summer. This characteristic prevents the overpopulation problems seen with the straight Bluegill. If your pond is less than 1/2 acre, catfish is probably your best choice. Ranchers Agricultural Leasing Workshop: Online course, Connecting Agriculture and Health – From the Ground Up: online, Equine Reproductive Management Short Course. Most ponds require harvest of at least 10 pounds of 6-10-inch large mouth bass per acre to maintain a healthy food chain. Fertilization will ideally start 10-14 days before stocking juvenile fish for the first time, Sink said. Water clarity, vegetation, cover, and depth all factor into your pond stocking. There are several varieties of bluegill available for fish and pond stocking. REDEARED SUNFISH. Catfish will spawn in warm water ponds when spawning habitat is available. Visit www.aces.edu/directory. Catfish usually cannot successfully reproduce in ponds with bass and bluegill populations and will have to be restocked as they are fished out. “When fishing starts to decline in a pond, people think stocking more fish, especially bass, is the answer,” he said. By removing mouths that have to be fed, more food is available for remaining fish and the faster they will grow.”. The following table can serve as a guideline. Acadiana Fish Hatchery, is Louisiana’s #1 source for game fish lake and pond stocking. and economic well-being. The most common stocking combination includes largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish. “After a few years, all the large fish in the pond will have died off or have been harvested, and the remaining fish in the pond are all stunted at a size too small for sport or food harvest. Young Hybrid Bluegill are putting their growth into body size, not reproduction, so allowing large males to survive lets them eat the smaller fish, thereby increasing their growth rate. “Then the entire population starts to stunt,” Sink said. “At this point, the impatience starts creeping in and they might think just a few bass won’t hurt,” Sink said. The standard “Hybrid Bream” is a combination of a Coppernose Bluegill and a Green Sunfish. Hybrid vigor in Hybrid Bluegill is shown in their accelerated growth rates and the fight they give on light fishing tackle. Up to 50 channel or blue catfish per acre can be stocked, he said. Fountains and aeration special order only “The pond won’t produce as much food as it will when fertilized.”. The stocking options listed below are for ponds in the Upper Midwest (e.g. Reduce initial Bluegill stocking by 100 and add 100 Pumpkinseed. If the goal is trophy largemouth bass, Sink said the pond owner should harvest 25 pounds or more of 6-to-14-inch bass per-acre per-year to provide more resources to growing largemouths. They are a very easy fish to catch. Eventually the ponds are overrun,” he said. We offer a variety of fish to stock your pond or lake. can be an important forage source for many larger predatory fish in a pond or lake. But at night when there is no sunlight, they must consume oxygen to stay alive. An angler might get 3-8 years of good crappie fishing, but every few years the water temperature, water level and moon phase all line up just right to get a phenomenal crappie spawn. Hydrated lime, quicklime or slaked lime cannot be added to a pond with fish because the rapid pH change can cause a fish kill. Most every state that has any literature about fish stocking, if said literature mentions hybrid bluegill, notes specifically that hybrid bluegill should never be stocked with pure bluegill because doing so will cause genetic issues; TWRA’s pond booklet, for example, has this caution. The Hybrid Bluegill is a cross between a Male Bluegill and a Female Green Sunfish, and is sometimes referred to as a Hybrid Sunfish. Bass are stocked in late May or June and grow rapidly, feeding on the new bluegill fry. Not to be used for a forage base because they … This hybrid is the answer to your pond and lake stocking problems. Just stock adult 6-inch bluegill and redear sunfish along with the fathead minnows March through May. Owners can also add structures to ponds to provide cover for fish, Sink said. But they are typically more beneficial to anglers because fish congregate around them. Crappie can be stocked in larger farm ponds (greater than 25 acres), but only after the largemouth bass initially stocked have spawned several times. Great for the impatient fisherman - the young or old. What could be wrong with that? These fish will spawn the first year allowing juvenile 2-3-inch bass to be stocked in May or June. Beemer Fisheries specialize in Hybrid Bluegill and have done selective breeding for several years and feel we have the fastest growing Hybrid Bluegill in the U.S. Fast growing, 2" fish gain 3/4 lb. With the Hybrids, you can have a higher stocking rate. Crappie (both black and white) may pose management problems in small ponds in that they overpopulate and stunt at sizes too small to be harvested. This content printed from the website located at: Species Selection and Stocking in Recreational Fish Ponds. Sink also recommends a fertilization program if landowners want maximum fish production from their pond. The hybrid bluegill is shaped like its male parent (oval body and pointed pectoral fins), but has a distinguishing yellow-orange colored belly. That means more crappie survive, and the next couple of years there are even more crappie spawning, he said. Another reason is algae and other food that attract baitfish doesn’t grow very well on plastic. As a result of the cross the Hybrid Bluegill is ~80-90% male, giving it a reduced reproductive potential and making it an ideal choice for those ponds prone to Bluegill stunting. ... Redears are usually stocked with bluegill into new ponds at a rate of 10 percent of the entire bluegill numbers stocked. Taal Lake Hatchery has been providing game fish for stocking lakes and ponds in Wisconsin, Illinois, and the upper peninsula of Michigan since 1963. In the fall, Sink recommends adding 500 bluegill or 400 bluegill and 100 redear sunfish per acre if not fertilizing. Stocking quality fish makes a big difference - get the best genetics you can find. (GIANT Bass Food) Pick up some Waterland Sunglasses ... We got hybrid bluegill and then we got like I don't even know a thousand fat head minnows so more fish that again do really well in this lake and they'll be able to go out in … Stocking of 2- to 3-inch bream is most often done in the fall or winter. “But adding catfish or bass means baitfish will be eaten before they ever have a chance to spawn. “They are tough to manage even in ponds at the low end of that limit because predators and anglers can’t keep up with crappie spawns, he said. You should consider stocking Minnows when you stock Hybrid Bluegill. Lepomis macrochirus (male bluegill) x Lepomis cyanellus (female green sunfish) The hybrid bluegill is shaped like its male parent (oval body and pointed pectoral fins), but has a distinguishing yellow-orange colored belly. “By stocking the two species together, landowners end up with more baitfish in the pond because they don’t compete for the same resources,” he said. Bass are stocked in late May or June and grow rapidly, feeding on the new bluegill fry. The bluegill will grow and spawn by the following spring. Fish Stocking Recommendations. Stocking gizzard and threadfin shad can have either positive or negative effects. However, the most common are the northern bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus macrochirus) and the coppernose bluegill (L. macrochirus purpurescens).We recommend and stock coppernose bluegill. Other combinations such as hybrid bluegill and bass or hybrid bluegill and bass and catfish are possible stocking options (see Alternative Stocking). The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Southeastern Pond Management provides services such as fish stocking, pond and lake design, pond assessments, weed control, lake mapping and more! Eventually there are so many small crappie in the pond, that no fish, including juvenile bluegill, bass and catfish, can get enough food to effectively grow. We prefer Hybrid Bluegill to regular bluegill. Reestablishing threadfin shad can be difficult if the bass population is already large in the pond. Bluegill will spawn two or three more times before fall providing adequate forage for the bass. Also, largemouth bass harvest must be carefully controlled to ensure enough bass in the pond to control crappie numbers. Whenever stocking any type of bluegill in a pond with other game fish, keeping the population in check is key. During the day, plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis and add oxygen to the pond. The largemouth bass and bluegill sunfish (or largemouth bass, bluegill, and shellcracker) combination is the most common stocking strategy used in the Southeast. Additional testing for VHS (viral hemorrhagic septicemia) is done on fish that are shipped out of the state of Wisconsin. Acadiana Fish Hatchery, is Louisiana’s #1 source for game fish lake and pond stocking. Standard bluegill are recommended over hybrid bluegill. Redear are also another great fish to add to your pond … Cooperative Extension System operates as the primary outreach organization But they can speed up the process by adding more minnows, bluegill and redear during the first two years. Stocking Pond with 2,500 BITE SIZE Bluegills!! When completed the pond will be about a half acre and averaging about 12' in depth.I'm just doing some research ahead of time and can't really decide whether I want to go with hybrids or bluegill/red ears. In fact the hybrid bluegill is only one of two fish species that can be stocked successfully in a small pond (less than one acre). Do you accept? Species that should not be stocked into farm ponds or should be stocked only under certain conditions include crappie, shad, flathead catfish, common carp, and shiners. Just make sure the water temperature is above 60 degrees. Species Selection and Stocking is part two of seven in the Management of Recreational Fish Ponds series. By stocking more mouths to feed, you reduce the share of the limited food each fish gets, so growth declines. No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. If the answer is catfish, then go ahead and stock catfish.”. The sudden shock of changing water temperature can stress or kill fish. Because of their large size, gizzard shad should only be stocked into ponds that are managed to produce trophy largemouth bass. We have been stocking ponds in Louisiana since 1994. Crushed agricultural limestone, hydrated lime, quicklime or slaked lime can be added to low-alkalinity or low pH ponds to create a more productive environment for fish and their food prior to stocking, he said. Also, don't stock hybrids - Tony may disagree with me, but pure northern-strain bluegill have been found to grow bigger over the course of their life span than the hybrids. The new Southern Specklebelly Sunfish does not breakdown into an undesirable fish. Take a water sample for analyses to determine the chemistry of the pond, Sink said. This hybrid is 90-95% male and reproduction is minimal. Although hybrid sunfish are not sterile, breeding is greatly reduced because 85 to 95 percent are male. Unfortunately, cold winters may kill threadfin shad requiring that the population be reestablished. This website would like to use cookies to collect information to improve your browsing experience. Stocked hybrids sho… Fish Stocking in Waters Exceeding One Acre Waters exceeding one acre can be stocked with several species of fish. because warm water holds less oxygen than cool water. They are sturdy fish and can be caught and released multiple times. Stocking your pond or lake to enjoy great fishing year in … The popularity of this hybrid its large mouth, like a sunfish, coupled with bluegill aggressiveness, makes it a good feeder and excellent sport fish. Therefore, hybrids tend to grow larger and do not reproduce as much as Standard Bluegill. © 2020 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Large populations of gizzard shad will reduce bream abundance and compromise the growth of smaller bass. Fertilizing above 65 degrees may help rooted plants and result in a dense mess in the pond. These fish include Largemouth Bass, Coppernose Bluegill, Native Bluegill, Hybrid Bluegill, Black Crappie, Channel Catfish, Redear Bream, Fathead Minnows and Grass Carp. Hybrid Bluegill: 1-3 Inch: $0.50 each: 3-5 Inch: $0.80 each: 5-7 Inch: $1.75 each: Sizes vary depending on time of the year. that ensures all people have access to information that improves their quality of life Hybrid bluegill will reproduce within your pond! They are a fan favorite for kids fishing ponds and kids fishing derbies. The Hybrid Bluegill is a cross between a Male Bluegill and a Female Green Sunfish, and is sometimes referred to as a Hybrid Sunfish. They should be around the same size as … White Amur – Natures affordable moss and weed control for your pond; Panfish – Bluegill, Hybrid Bluegill, Crappie, Redears, Yellow Perch, and more; Predator Fish – Largemouth Bass, Hybrid Bass, Catfish, Walleye, and more; Pond Feed – Fathead Minnows, Crawdads, Tadpoles, Fish Food, and more If Bluegill and Bass are already established, more than 100 Pumpkinseeds per acre may be needed. The choice of fish to stock depends on the pond owner’s goals and on the resources available. Hybrid Bluegill are not sterile, however, their reproduction is limited and offspring sex ratios tend to lean toward males, with few females, which also reduces reproduction. They create a good food source for larger baitfish and sportfish populations added later. Hybrid Bluegill are a cross between two different types of bluegill. With the Hybrids, you can have a higher stocking rate. If stocked together, always stock catfish as large or larger than the bass. Hybrid Bluegill Facts: Species scientific name: Lepomis macrochirus x Lepomis microlophus (Hybrid) Average Life: 4-8 years Largest on Record: 4 pounds, 12 ounces - 15" long x 18 and 1/4" girth Diet: Invertebrates and very small fish Hybrid Bluegills are our mot popular fish. Nothing, if you can prevent them from reproducing in your pond. The combination generally works well in ponds larger than 1/2 acre and provides excellent fishing for both species indefinitely. Hybrids are easily trained to take commercial feed. Redear can grow substantially larger than bluegill and they don’t compete for food, he said. Our first priority is to make sure your pond is stocked right the first time. They are a very easy fish to catch. Generally, we recommend 500-1,000 Hybrid Bluegill per acre in ponds. For more information, contact your county Extension office. Hybrid sunfish cannot replace bluegill in a pond stocked with bass and bluegill because they do not produce enough offspring to provide enough food for largemouth bass. Fish can be purchased at different sizes depending on availability or the time of year. Please review our Privacy Statement for more information. So the growth of other fish is diminished by the hybrids aggressive behavior. We recommend stocking some Largemouth Bass along with your Hybrid Sunfish to control any future reproduction and avoid over-population and stunting. ... large mouth bass fingerlings, sterile grass carp fingerlings, white amur carp fingerlings, channel catfish fingerlings, hybrid bluegill fingerlings, bluegill fingerlings, … “Water tests can catch problems and allow you to fix them before you stock fish and are useful to determine lime and fertilizer rates to optimize fish production,” he said. Ponds should be stocked with one largemouth bass for every 10 sunfish stocked, he said. “This is an especially large risk during hot summer nights. Flathead catfish are voracious eaters and cannibalistic, and they grow large enough to prey on even large bass. Pond management is different from large reservoir or river management because it centers around catch-and-eat plans to keep fish populations thinned out and thriving, Sink said. Pounds ) with bluegill into new ponds, he said sportfish like bass! Controlled to ensure enough bass in the third year, he said stocking! Add by July or August small ponds of one acre can be an undesirable fish fish than needed! Bream populations can result in a pond of less than 1/2 acre provides! A quicker rate and get a larger size feed, you can find like many things life. Names used in large reservoirs and rivers lead to overcrowding and stunted fish in your pond and lake stocking.! 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