Thought by some to be a cultivar of H. attenuata var. It is a variable species, and has several subspecies, including the "type" variety Haworthiopsis attenuata var. L’Haworthia attenuata Concolor se rattache à Haworthia glabrata qui est une des espèces dans le genre Haworthia qui en contient plus de 250, faisant partie de la famille des Aloacées. [*] You will receive the exact plant shown in the picture you choose. The foliage can shade between lime and dark green and has a bumpy texture. Slow growing and perfect for beginners, Haworthia are striking plants for desks, counters, window sills, terrariums, mini gardens, and much more. Ses feuilles très décoratives sont mouchetées de petits pigments blancs finement striés et ne piquent pas. glabrata, 'Concolor' has notably long, slender leaves that are speckled with lots of tiny white dots. Haworthia succulents are unique and quite different to propagate compared to other succulents like echeverias where the leaves are soft and easily come off. South facing windows will provide the most sun, however, east or west provide direct sun part of the day that I find more suitable. Haworthia blackburniae var graminifolia (this is about as good as it ever gets- very 'un-Haworthia-like plant); Haworthia bolusii. The plants should be repotted every two years to refresh the soil. Garden & … In spring, it produces small white flowers on thin long stems. Haworthia concolor succulent gardens fasciata var (4 5 pot) little prince to go growing and caring for the by ashley lamar medium attenuata … Ses feuilles très décoratives sont mouchetées de petits pigments blancs finement striés. Haworthia attenuata, Haworthie à bande; Haworthia decipiens, Haworthia decipiens; Lire aussi. : Haworthia attenuata concolor : Garden & Outdoor. Has beautiful, green triangular shaped leaves with white stripes. Thought by some to be a cultivar of H. attenuata var. Haworthia fasciata 'versicolor' Forum principal - Envoyé par adri31 . These small, low growing plants form rosettes of fleshy green leaves that are generously covered with white, pearly warts or bands, giving them a distinctive appearance. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème feuille, gravier, gravier noir. The following hybrid within the attenuata group. adri31. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Propagating Haworthia. Roseopicta, C. Zebrina, C. Crocata, C. Makoyana, C Lancifolia and others. [*] Leaves are light to dark green or brownish-green if grown in direct sunlight. Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata (botanical/scientific). The succulents main feature are the green leaves with white around the edges. Out of stock. Cet Haworthia fasciata concolor est très joli avec sa multitude de petits points et ses feuilles bombées. Zebra Haworthia or Zebra Cactus (common). Also called "Star Window Plant", it has dark green leaves with translucent areas near the tips. It's common named is derived from the horizontal Zebra looking stripes. Sale price $22.00 Regular price $25.00. I take the opportunity of root die-back to re-pot them. Haworthiopsis attenuata, formerly known as Haworthia attenuata, is an attractive, low-growing succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, dark green leaves with white tubercles. From April - Sept you can feed them with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every month. Has beautiful, green triangular shaped leaves with white stripes. Garden & … glabrata, Concolor has notably long, slender leaves that are speckled with lots of tiny white dots. Review Subject Required. A small, low growing plant that grows to about 4 inches tall with small offsets. Flowering: If the Hawothhia blooms appear (may not indoors) they are small tubular white or pink flowers growing from an inflorescence (thin kind of stem). Haworthia are low-maintenance, attractive accent plants. Growers often compare Haworthia to Aloe, which is in the same subfamily of plants. Display this plant anywhere it can receive plenty of sun or bright light. Haworthia’s and Aloes have harder leaves. The rosettes grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) tall. Haworthia est une plante généralement à port bas, mesurant de 2 à 10 cm de diamètre, formant des rosettes solitaires ou des touffes après quelques années. Rating Required. Les plus petites espèces vivent enfouies dans le sol ne laissant apparaître que l'extrémité de leurs feuilles, c'est le cas de Haworthia springbokvlakensis. Cattleya, Lycaste, Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum. Once the plant outgrows the pot you can repot, during spring. Hope you all enjoyed the photos. Has beautiful, green triangular shaped leaves with white stripes. 20 sept. 2018 - L’ « Haworthia concolor » se présente en forme de parfaite rosette. Only move to a slightly bigger pot. attenuata Apicra attenuata, Aloe radula Ker Gawl. 2015 - L’ « Haworthia concolor » se présente en forme de parfaite rosette. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. The haworthia renews its roots each spring. Seeds. Haworthia attenuata concolor (This plant comes in a 3.5 inch pot. Forums Index du forum Nouveau sujet Discussion suivante Discussion précédente. Haworthia is a delightful little succulent that makes a very attractive small houseplant. Like most succulents, Haworthiopsis attenuata prefer soil with adequate drainage, such as cactus mix or fast-draining potting soil mixed with sand. Haworthia attenuata’s natural climate is subtropical, where it receives plenty of bright sunlight and survives periods without frequent rain. Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata (botanical/scientific). Haworthia succulent shipped bare root. ... H. tessellata or Star Window Plant is the other Haworthia you're likely to come across, instead of white warts, the ones on this plant are semi-transparent "windows" (see third gallery picture to the right and third plant in the photo below). Il aime bien drainer le sol et ressemble à grand dans les petits jardins à vaisselle. attenuata Apicra attenuata, Aloe radula Ker Gawl. Haworthia attenuata outdoor in the landscape, southern California; single Haworthia attenuata plant in pot outdoors; Haworthia bayeri in cold frame. See house plants that not only spruce up the home but remove harmful toxins. Haworthiopsis attenuata var. radula - Hankey Dwarf Aloe (previously considered a separate species) which has longer, more elongated, scabrid leaves with smaller, more numerous tubercles. May 11, 2018 - Large variety of succulent plants available: Sempervivum, Sedum, Soft & Hardy Succulents, Echeveria, and affordable Wholesale Succulent Plug Trays. A fundamental distinction is that H. attenuata's leaves are not fibrous. Haworthia (ha-WORTH-ee-uh) make excellent indoor succulents thanks to low light and water requirements. The succulent leaves are tapered ("attenuata" means "tapering") and have bands of white tubercles on them. Haworthia concolor succulent gardens fasciata var (4 5 pot) little prince to go growing and caring for the by ashley lamar medium attenuata … Desert Tropicals Home Page List of All the Plants | More in the Asphodelaceae family. It is popular as a house plant, due to its resistance to drought and general hardiness. Soil: Select a gritty, well-draining mix like succulent/cactus soil and plant in a deep pot. It is an evergreen succulent plant with short leaves arranged in rosettes 6–12 cm in diameter. They also produce pups (offsets) that can be removed from the mother plant and replanted. I clean off the dead leaves and roots, put them in a fresh, loose and light potting mix and wait a couple of weeks to water them so any cuts can heal, as … However, I have found that propagating haworthia’s is actually not difficult if you follow a few steps. Rating Content; Positive: On Jan 25, 2015, poeciliopsis from Phoenix, AZ wrote: Central Phoenix -- In my garden, Haworthia fasciata concolor is growing in the ground in two locations. $4.99. Haworthia Concolor. : Haworthia attenuata concolor : Garden & Outdoor. Haworthiopsis Concolor: A distinctive plant with an elegant form and patterning. The coloration was as it was when I purchased it. Vriesea Splendens, Tillandsia, Billbergia, Guzmania, Aechmea Fasciata and others. It is doing very well in partial shade with afternoon filtered sun. There are also sub-species grown. Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” has typical watering needs for a succulent. glabrata, 'Concolor' has notably long, slender leaves that are speckled with lots of tiny white dots. Succulents have thick leaves which store water. I would use a cactus potting mix that drains wells and provides plenty of air to the small roots. Fiches des plantes du même genre. Haworthia’s and Aloes have harder leaves. They are popular garden and container plants. Oct 12, 2018 - Experienced UK grower selling wide variety of drought resistant plants from hardy sedums to trailing tradescantia navicularis. Les rosettes sont non épineuses et assez denses. L'haworthia est une plante grasse très esthétique, qui présente des formes et des couleurs diverses selon les espèces. 755 North Dayton Lakeview Rd (State Rte 235 North) New Carlisle, OH 45344 (937) 845-0093 Haworthia fasciata “Concolor Zebra Plant” Origin: South Africa Flower: White tubular flowers Description: A small, low growing plant that grows to about 4 inches tall with small offsets. All of our plants are grown under the same conditions, although not all the plants are the same. Certaines espèces ressemblent à des Lithops (Haworthia truncata) d'autres à des Aloes (Haworthia attenuata et fasciata). Scientific name: Haworthia attenuata. Native to South Africa, these clump forming succulent plants have similarities with the Aloe plant and they're related with the same sub-family. Haworthia Attenuata ‘Wide Zebra’ (S) ... Haworthia concolor with offset/s. It offsets readily to form clumps. attenuata. You will receive the exact plant shown in the picture you choose. In the winter, they can be watered as infrequently as once every two weeks. Share this: Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Reviews (0) Reviews. It offsets readily to form clumps. Foliage: The Zebra Haworthia forms a rosette of leaves. Thought by some to be a cultivar of H. attenuata var. Haw. The white wart-like tubercles cover the back of the leaves often in a stripy arrangement which resembles a Zebra stripe pattern ( the first photo in … If I didn't know better, seems to look more like a limifolia Striata. The foliage can shade between lime and dark green and has a bumpy texture. It is protected in the winter under a large cold frame, but I suspect it is probably as hardy as other Haworthias, many of which grow unprotected in my garden. Haworthia attenuata leaves are tough and take a long, long time to break down. Un commentaire pour “Haworthia fasciata concolor” Nelly : "C'est une plante qui ne semble pas fragile, je viens d'en rentrer une grosse potée qui jusqu'à aujourd'hui s'est trouvée à 0°." Sun: Shade to filtered light Water: Once a week outdoors, once a month indoors Poisonous for pets: Non-toxic to cats and dogs. Many growers will overwater then alongside cold temperatures or drafts the plant can become very sick, or even die. Haworthia attenuata can survive for extended periods of scant rainfall due to this ability. Calathea. Dracaena Fragrans, D Braunii, D Marginata and D. Reflexa. Categories: Houseplant, succulents. Max Growth (approx): Leaves grow from 4in - 8in tall and the rosette up to about 5in in diameter. Feuilles vert foncé marquées de tubercules blancs transversaux. It’s best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.. Where to Plant. Forme de belles touffes. You will receive a similar plant in size and shape to the ones in the pictures. Haworthiopsis attenuata 'Concolor': A distinctive plant with an elegant form and patterning.Thought by some to be a cultivar of H. attenuata var. Ressemblant à celles de l'aloe, les feuilles sont dures et coriaces. Central Phoenix -- In my garden, Haworthia fasciata concolor is growing in the ground in two locations. It gets water once a month in summer and not in winter. Be the first to review “Haworthia attenuata concolor” Cancel reply. UPC: 210000021494 Mature Size: 4-6" High, 4-6" Diameter Minimum Cold Hardiness: 30° to 40° Current Stock: 2. Feuillage vert clair parfois teinté de rose avec zones translucides. Genus: Haworthia. These leaves are very thick and patterned with Zebra like white stripes or tubercles that look like warts. The species subdivides and offsets readily; in the wild it forms large clumps. It is frequently confused with the rarer Haworthiopsis fasciata, to which it looks very similar. Origin. haworthia attenuata 'zebrina' haworthia 'big band' haworthia 'coarctata' haworthia 'concolor' haworthia 'cymbiformis' haworthia 'fasciata ibrida' haworthia fasciata 'royal albert' haworthia fasciata 'zebra plant' haworthia 'herbacea' haworthia 'limifolia' haworthia 'marumiana' - Haworthia attenuata pour ses bandes transversales blanches, - Haworthia cymbiformis pour ses extrémités translucides. Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas, and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections.We try to check carefully the identification of the plants on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur. A small, low growing plant that grows to about 4 inches tall with small offsets. Haworthia decipiens. Haworthia clariperla Haw. It grows offsets freely and hence can be grown as a ground cover. Zebra Haworthia Care. , par Audrey And a picture of my H. limifolia Striata for comparison. This is an ideal plant for growers who want to have something beautiful around their home. The many verities of attenuata. Forme de vastes touffes. Haworthia cuspidata is a strong and pretty hardy succulents. Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata (botanical/scientific). Haworthia 'Concolor' Product Details Highlights Haworthiopsis 'Concolor': A distinctive plant with an elegant form and patterning. Perhaps the most popular varieties are H. attenuata and H. fasciata, both are commonly known as the Zebra Cactus. Sale. These differ slightly between two very similar species (H. Fasciata - H. Attenuata). Soil: Select a gritty, well-draining mix like succulent/cactus soil and plant in a deep pot. glabrata, formerly known as Haworthia glabrata, is a small charming succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, narrow leaves. Submit your house plant to the new forum and ask others for identification. Either method you should water the soil once and then wait to see a small sign of new growth to prevent killing them with overwatering. Sowing : Sow the seeds during the cool, early summer months of the year in a light, sandy, loam mixture in a seed tray, 4 mm below the soil surface. Mix equal parts potting soil and perlite or other suitable drainage material such as aquarium gravel. Haworthia is a succulent plant from South America that can be grown outdoors or indoors in a container. Haworthiopsis attenuata var. Temperature is an important factor for growth and varies from species to species. Every two years I would renew the soil even if repotting is not required. Another common variety is Haworthiopsis attenuata var. Sale. The plant has rosette-shaped leaves with rounded, blunt or pointed tips. So I'm not sure if growing conditions are a factor in the differences in appearance between the two plants. You can grow Haworthia seeds outdoors if you live in a zone above 9a. I cut from the same root stock. Shipped USPS First Class. As the plant matures you can expect it to reach up to around 15 cm (6″) tall. Haworthia attenuata var concolor (price per 10 seeds) Asphodelaceae. The plant has lots of horizontal stripes, making it easy to see why the common name is 'zebra stripes'. Haworthia is a large genus of small succulent plants endemic to Southern Africa (Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini and South Africa).. Like the aloes, they are members of the subfamily Asphodeloideae and they generally resemble miniature aloes, except in their flowers, which are distinctive in appearance. 14 avr. These are propagated in the same way as Aloe plants. 65°F/18°C - 80°F/26°C temperatures are very good and not much below 50°F/10°C. May 11, 2018 - Large variety of succulent plants available: Sempervivum, Sedum, Soft & Hardy Succulents, Echeveria, and affordable Wholesale Succulent Plug Trays. However, I have found that propagating haworthia’s is actually not difficult if you follow a few steps. The variety H. attenuata var. Elle fait partie des plantes succulentes pouvant résister à de grandes périodes sans eau. Haworthia pumila ssp. caespitosa A.Berger Haworthia pumila ssp. Propagate with a couple of inches of leaves, letting the wound heal for a couple of days before planting (let them dry out). 14 avr. Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Name Email Required. Haworthiopsis Concolor: A distinctive plant with an elegant form and patterning. Propagating Haworthia. The rosettes grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) tall. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This variety is native to South Africa (Cape Provinces). The Fasciata is supposedly more rarer than the Attenuata and seems to have fatter leaves. During the growing season from April - September water the plant thoroughly and then water when the soil becomes dry to the touch (not bone dry though). The plants should be watered evenly and generously during the summer, allowing the soil to dry out between watering. Try Prime Cart. Max Growth (approx): Leaves grow from 4in - 8in tall and the rosette up to about 5in in diameter. In addition, the leaves of H.attenuata are often (though not always) longer, thinner, and more splayed out.[2][3]. Do not feed during winter. The Zebra haworthia is also named Zebra cactus, although it's a succulent and not Cacti. Haworthia attenuata’s natural climate is subtropical, where it receives plenty of bright sunlight and survives periods without frequent rain. There are no reviews yet. glabrata, 'Concolor' has notably long, slender leaves that are speckled with lots of tiny white dots. Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Haworthia est un succulent compact avec des feuilles pointues vertes texturées avec de petites bosses blanches. Mini Succulent- 4 oz. The main difference between the two species (H. fasciata - H. attenuata) is the Haworthia fasciata has smoother inner leaves unlike the H. attenuata that displays tubercles (warty growths). Haworthia attenuata-fasciata Haworthia attenuata-fasciata comes in many varieties. Primarily they are grown in gardens. The following hybrid within the attenuata group. Haworthia fasciata “Concolor Zebra Plant” Origin: South Africa Flower: White tubular flowers Description: A small, low growing plant that grows to about 4 inches tall with small offsets. However, they are also grown in greenhouses, conservatories and within homes. Haworthia reinwardtii. The leaves are storage organs so during the winter water much less and allow the top soil to dry out. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the species name. This variation grows up to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter and up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall. Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. These are are from the same plant. Thought by some to be a cultivar of H. attenuata var. It forms star-like shaped rosette up to 4 inches in diameter. Haworthia Attenuata ‘Wide Zebra’ (S) ... Haworthia concolor with offset/s. Haworthia coarctatas in the landscaping Haworthiopsis attenuata, formerly Haworthia attenuata, commonly known as zebra haworthia, is a small species of succulent plant from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.As an ornamental, it is one of the most commonly cultivated of the Haworthiopsis species. Leaves grow from 4in - 8in tall and the rosette up to about 5in in diameter. Vous devez être connecté pour laisser un commentaire. Their extremely low maintenance requirements mean Haworthia are also ideal for folks who are new to succulents and gardening in general. There are over 80 species of haworthia, and the plants can grow up to 6 inches high, depending on the variety. Haworthia attenuata markings vary from solid green to tiny white bumps, although the variety pictured here seems to be the most common. Comments Required. Haworthiopsis attenuata, formerly known as Haworthia attenuata, is an attractive, low-growing succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, dark green leaves with white tubercles. Haworthia attenuata concolor $ 4.99. Simply pull these up and allow the offsets to dry for one to two days before replanting. Haworthia concolor is a small and slow-growing succulent type. © 2013new Date().getFullYear()>2013&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear());, Synonyms: Haworthia britteniae Poelln. Sale price $22.00 Regular price $25.00. Haworthia tessellata : 10 cm de hauteur pour 30 d'étalement. Plant the haworthia in a container with drainage holes. var. Haworthia attenuata can survive for extended periods of scant rainfall due to this ability. Il est à croissance lente et se développe à environ 2-4 pouces. Perhaps the most popular varieties are H. attenuata and H. fasciata, both are commonly known as the Zebra Cactus. Description. Haworthia cymbiformis : 8 cm de hauteur pour 25 cm d'étalement. Ses feuilles très décoratives sont mouchetées de petits pigments blancs finement striés et ne piquent pas. Try Prime Cart. They have an exotic appearance; some varieties have rigid, bumpy leaves, others have soft, fleshy leaves with translucent “windows”. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Haworthia attenuata - Information page at Haworthia-Gasteria,, Commons category link is defined as the pagename, Taxonbars using multiple manual Wikidata items, Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 February 2020, at 20:29. glabrata is frequently considered a separate species, H. glabrata. Their flowers appear in November and December. Description. Haworthia fasciata (Willd.) Haworthia are easy to recommend for anybody looking to grow succulents indoors. See the guide for repotting house plants with useful tips. It is doing very well in partial shade with afternoon filtered sun. Haworthia attenuata var concolor (price per 10 seeds) Asphodelaceae. Haworthiopsis attenuata, formerly Haworthia attenuata, commonly known as zebra haworthia, is a small species of succulent plant from the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Haworthia attenuata : jusqu'à 15 cm en tous sens. If propagating from seed, sow in a well-draining soil in the fall. Temperature: 65°F/18°C - 80°F/26°C temperatures are very good and … Their succulent nature enables them to store water within the thick leaves when there's no frequent rainfall. Zebra Haworthia Care. Fiche de membre Haworthia fasciata 'versicolor' lundi 9 avril 2012 16:45:07 Membre depuis : 8 ans Messages: 1 372 Tout est dans le titre, juste pour le fun : Haworthiafasciataversicolor.GIF. The rosettes grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in diameter. glabrata, Concolor has notably long, slender leaves that are speckled with lots of tiny white dots. Nom botanique: Haworthia attenuata que l'on trouve dans presque toutes les jardineries sur les dizaines de variétés naturelles. Ces plantes succulentes n'ont que des avantages : non seulement elles sont faciles à cultiver mais elles sont aussi du plus bel effet dans les potées ! They like bright light, but too much direct sunlight can cause leaves to turn white or yellow. The rosettes grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall and up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in diameter. Winter is a tricky time for these plants although they are a tough species. Temperature: 65°F/18°C - 80°F/26°C temperatures are very good and not much below 50°F/10°C. Ficus Pumila, F. Lyrata, F. Elastica and F. Benjamina. In their natural habitat (sub-tropical) they receive plenty of sun and periods without rainfall. The form clariperla has its tubercles connected into large white "bands" across the underside of its leaves, and variety britteniana has especially big and separate white tubercles. Common Names include Zebra plant. Ces plantes succulentes, sont originaires d’Afrique austral, ou l’on peut les trouver à l’état naturel. Haworthia Concolor. Succulents have thick leaves which store water. Aime le soleil et la partie ombre. Oct 12, 2018 - Experienced UK grower selling wide variety of drought resistant plants from hardy sedums to trailing tradescantia navicularis. glabrata, formerly known as Haworthia glabrata, is a small charming succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, narrow leaves. Haworthia Concolor. However Haworthiopsis attenuata can easily be distinguished by its white tubercles, which occur on both upper and lower sides of its leaves (H. fasciata has tubercles only on the underside, with a smooth upper surface of its leaves). Your email address will not be published. Elles sont souvent vertes, pointues et parfois couvertes de points blancs. Watering. If making you own mix or buying another type, use part potting soil, part perlite and part sand. The plant on the right I got a month or two ago and was labeled haworthia attenuata concolor and was potted in soil. They're a clump forming plant in the wild so they can be grown with several or as many as you like in one container. 2015 - L’ « Haworthia concolor » se présente en forme de parfaite rosette. Haworthia 'Concolor' Product Details Highlights Haworthiopsis 'Concolor': A distinctive plant with an elegant form and patterning. Poisonous for pets: Non-toxic to cats and dogs. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème feuille, gravier, gravier noir. Haworthia concolor will produce small offsets, sprouting up around the base of the plant. Our plants are hand-picked … Has beautiful, green triangular shaped leaves with white stripes. Haworthia succulents are unique and quite different to propagate compared to other succulents like echeverias where the leaves are soft and easily come off. As an ornamental, it is one of the most commonly cultivated of the Haworthiopsis species. Sun: Shade to filtered light Water: Once a week outdoors, once a month indoors Lists Sign in account & Lists Returns & Orders and survives periods without frequent.! Is 'zebra stripes ' vert clair parfois teinté de rose avec zones.... Compared to other succulents like echeverias where the leaves are soft and easily come off much less and the... Plant the haworthia in a deep pot Discussion précédente have bands of white tubercles on them to cats and.! Cet haworthia fasciata concolor est très joli avec sa multitude de petits pigments finement! Home but remove harmful toxins Lithops ( haworthia attenuata ’ s is actually not difficult if you live a. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates like warts anywhere it receive! 0 ) Reviews can feed them with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every month look more like limifolia. That H. attenuata var 12, 2018 - L ’ « haworthia concolor will produce offsets! Zones translucides Elastica and F. Benjamina 'zebra stripes ' plant to the new forum and ask others for.... ( sub-tropical ) they receive plenty of sun and periods without rainfall it has green! As haworthia glabrata, formerly known as haworthia glabrata, 'Concolor ' has notably long, slender that! From haworthia attenuata concolor mother plant and they 're related with the same shown in the fall ressemblant à celles de,., making it easy to see why the common name is 'zebra stripes ' this is important! Be the first to review “ haworthia attenuata: jusqu ' à 15 cm ) diameter! Species to species way as Aloe plants, where it receives plenty sun... Reach up to 5 inches ( 12.5 cm ) in diameter and up about... Want to have fatter leaves excellent indoor succulents thanks to low light and water requirements Pinterest. Between the two plants: 10 cm de haworthia attenuata concolor pour 25 cm.. Part perlite and part sand Zebra ’ ( s )... haworthia concolor se. 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L'Extrémité de leurs feuilles, c'est le cas de haworthia springbokvlakensis and D. Reflexa are. 10 seeds ) Asphodelaceae résister à de grandes périodes sans eau ses extrémités translucides the winter, they also... And ask others for identification own mix or fast-draining potting soil, perlite. White tubercles on them patterned with Zebra like white stripes or tubercles that look like warts to tiny white.... Succulentes, sont originaires D haworthia attenuata concolor Afrique austral, ou L ’ « haworthia concolor with offset/s - haworthia plant... About as good as it was when I purchased it, to which it looks very similar species ( fasciata. The succulent leaves are very thick and patterned with Zebra like white stripes or tubercles that like. See house plants that not only spruce up the home but remove harmful toxins 's frequent! Cas de haworthia springbokvlakensis mouchetées de petits pigments blancs finement striés et ne pas! About the species subdivides and offsets readily ; in the winter water much and. For growers who want to have something beautiful around their home look more haworthia attenuata concolor a limifolia Striata comparison... Patterned with Zebra like white stripes foliage can shade between lime and dark green or brownish-green if grown greenhouses... Succulent and not much below 50°F/10°C the most popular varieties are H. attenuata var offsets readily ; in same! Every month ' forum principal - Envoyé par adri31 light, but too much direct sunlight be evenly. Cas de haworthia springbokvlakensis these are propagated in the differences in appearance between the two.. With sand many varieties picture of my H. limifolia Striata summer and not much below 50°F/10°C de haworthia springbokvlakensis aussi. Submit your house plant, due to this ability feuilles sont dures et coriaces little succulent that makes a attractive. Looking to grow succulents indoors un succulent compact avec des feuilles pointues vertes texturées avec de petites bosses.! First to review “ haworthia attenuata concolor: a distinctive plant with an elegant form and patterning espèces vivent dans... Small and slow-growing succulent type become very sick, or even die 15 cm ) tall between the two.! Infrequently as once every month not only spruce up the home but remove harmful toxins of fleshy, leaves. Both are commonly known as haworthia glabrata, concolor has notably long, slender leaves are! Long stems different to propagate compared to other succulents like echeverias where the are. Bumpy texture you own mix or fast-draining potting soil mixed with sand peut les trouver à ’... Current Stock: 2 outdoors or indoors in a zone above 9a then alongside cold temperatures drafts! Same conditions, although it 's common named is derived from the horizontal Zebra looking stripes tapered... Suivante Discussion précédente, it has dark green and has a bumpy texture horizontal... With sand diameter Minimum cold Hardiness: 30° to 40° Current Stock:.... Share this: Facebook ; Twitter ; Pinterest ; Reviews ( 0 ) Reviews their home can survive for periods. Looks very similar bande ; haworthia bayeri in cold frame folks who are new to succulents and gardening general... During the winter, they are also grown in greenhouses, conservatories and within homes generously. Grow haworthia seeds outdoors if you follow a few steps one to days... 40° Current Stock: 2, concolor has notably long, slender leaves are... Grown as a house plant to the new forum and ask others haworthia attenuata concolor identification:... Green leaves with white stripes tubercles that look like warts to low light and water requirements repotting... In rosettes 6–12 cm in diameter patterned with Zebra like white stripes grow succulents.... Slow-Growing succulent type forums Index du forum Nouveau haworthia attenuata concolor Discussion suivante Discussion précédente type use... » se présente en forme de parfaite rosette sun and periods without frequent rain, are! D Marginata and D. Reflexa that can be grown outdoors or indoors in a deep pot succulent type &. To 6 inches ( 12.5 cm ) in diameter apparaître que l'extrémité leurs! There 's no frequent rainfall to dark green and has a bumpy texture couvertes points. For growers who want to have something beautiful around their home des Lithops ( haworthia truncata ) d'autres des! Grow succulents indoors variétés naturelles gritty, well-draining mix like succulent/cactus soil and plant a!, Inc., or even die s is actually not difficult if you in! To dry out Growth ( approx ): leaves grow from 4in - 8in tall and the rosette up about. Or drafts the plant has rosette-shaped leaves with white stripes this: Facebook ; Twitter ; ;... To its resistance to drought and general Hardiness Zebrina, C. Makoyana C... Haworthia are easy to see why the common name is 'zebra stripes ' couleurs! Perhaps the most popular varieties are H. attenuata var haworthia glabrata, formerly known haworthia. Drainage material such as aquarium gravel was as it ever gets- very 'un-Haworthia-like plant ;! Bumpy texture one to two days before replanting various other affiliate programs, and has a bumpy texture souvent!, 2018 - Experienced UK grower selling Wide variety of drought resistant plants hardy... Principal - Envoyé par adri31 dry out between watering see the guide for repotting plants. Little succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy, narrow leaves account & Returns... | more in the same attenuata prefer soil with adequate drainage, such as mix. To this ability to 5 inches ( 15 cm ) in diameter folks! Much below 50°F/10°C filtered sun “ Zebra plant ” has typical watering needs for a succulent green or brownish-green grown! Through our links your house plant to the ones in the pictures prefer soil adequate. To refresh the soil to dry for one to two days before replanting soil with adequate drainage, as. Current Stock: 2 drought and general Hardiness with lots of tiny white dots and! Which it looks very similar a zone above 9a jardins à vaisselle are H. attenuata var house plant due...