Good level of fitness required. Please upgrade to Edge. It includes four days of blissful immersion in nature with three nights of stylish accommodation at the secluded Friendly Beaches Lodge. If the purpose of art is to help us plug into ourselves, then nature is the ultimate artist. This is the original and award-winning Freycinet Experience Walk – a four-day guided adventure covering the entire length of the Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania’s sublimely beautiful east coast, including the iconic Wineglass Bay. If the purpose of art is to help us plug into ourselves, then nature is the ultimate artist. AllTrails has 7 great hiking trails, walking trails, views trails and more, with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers, and nature lovers like you. The Freycinet Circuit is a rewarding circular hike that combines picturesque bays, turquoise water and majestic views of the Tasmanian coast. Optional side-trips include Mt Freycinet (highest point of the walk) and Bryans Beach at he southern end of the peninsula. Take advantage of any flowing creek water along the way. Freycinet Peninsula Circuit offers a taste of Freycinet National Park’s finest offerings: ocean views, sandy beaches, rocky coves, orange granite boulders, mountain summits, forests, heathlands, abundant birdlife, friendly wildlife – and the iconic Wineglass Bay . The original and award winning Freycinet Experience Walk is a four-day guided walk covering the entire length of the Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania’s East Coast, including the iconic Wineglass Bay. Wineglass Bay to Coles Bay // 5km. The peninsula’s combination of towering pink-hued granite mountains, pristine isolated white beaches and gorgeous bays, the most famous of all being Wineglass Bay, all work in concert to make this a fabulous three-day walking adventure. Witness Wineglass Bay from 3 different vantage points. You’ll walk through heathland, woodland and wet forest, birds will be ever present, and signs of mammals too. Aiming to finish off our little jaunt with a bang, we woke just … The descent to Wineglass Bay campsite takes around 2.5 hours and includes a ridge top walk across buttongrass moorland before descending into Graham Creek valley. Click here for all other Walking Tour Gradings. Top up water before leaving Cooks Beach with a sufficient amount to make it back to the carpark, as creeks are unreliable and there are no water tanks at Wineglass Bay campsite. ''Unbelievably moving'', sighs one of the eight in our group as we later walk along Friendly Beaches to our 140-hectare base for the next four days, the eco-friendly off-the-grid Friendly Beaches Lodge. ... Freycinet Peninsula. Be prepared for potential variable weather conditions. (Most people continue on to Cooks Corner campsite for day 1.). Freycinet | 2 hour, 3km walk - moderate Coles Bay, Freycinet Peninsula, Schouten Island, Bear Hill Our journey begins upon departure from the Old Woolstore Apartments in Hobart at 8am on the first morning. Freycinet Peninsula Circuit is a picturesque walk, exploring Freycinet National Park and Wineglass Bay. The climb is steep and difficult in places, with the route roughly marked. Just a few hours into our four-day Freycinet Experience Walk on Tasmania's east coast, nature presents performance art at its best. Use our walk notes to help you plan out your Freycinet Peninsula Circuit experience. Suggested preparation: 45 minutes of aerobic type exercise, three to four times a week. This side trip should be planned for, rather than a spontaneous extra, as it will make considerable demands on your time, energy and water consumption. Start today’s walk along Freycinet’s most popular trail to the Wineglass Bay viewing platform. Freycinet Peninsula. Another ridgeline follows then a descent to Wineglass Bay. Other References. The Freycinet Peninsula’s towering pink-hued granite mountains, pristine white beaches and gorgeous bays, the most famous of all being Wineglass Bay, work in concert to make this a fabulous four-day walking experience. This page produced by the Parks & Wildlife Service, a division of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Wineglass Bay from Mount Freycinet, Freycinet National Park (photograph: Luke O'Brien), Richardsons Beach, Honeymoon Bay and Ranger Creek camping, National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, Conducting business in parks and reserves. Please walk the circuit in an anti-clockwise direction from the Wineglass Bay carpark, beginning down the western side of the peninsula. Circuit of Freycinet peninsula, best done as a 2-3 day walk. There are lots of walking options in Freycinet National Park, and walking tour operators have been inventive in developing a range of offerings, but the Freycinet Peninsula Circuit is the classic multi-day walk in the National Park. Mount Freycinet is the highest point on the peninsula. Side trip - Cooks Beach to Bryans Corner. Over four days, you will cover the entire length of the Freycinet Peninsula, including the iconic Wineglass Bay. Coles Bay Tourism Coles Bay Hotels Coles Bay Vacation Rentals Coles Bay Vacation Packages Flights to Coles Bay Things to Do in Coles Bay Coles Bay Travel Forum Coles Bay Photos Coles Bay Map Coles Bay Travel Guide Freycinet National Park is loaded with natural assets, including the pink granite peaks of the Hazards Range that dominate the Peninsula and the iconic Wineglass Bay. We then transfer from Hobart to our sustainably built Friendly Beaches lodge … You can walk to the pass overlooking the perfectly shaped Wineglass Bay, trek the entire length of the Freycinet Peninsula on a three-day walk, kayak to secluded beaches or try less strenuous activities like beach strolls, swimming, fishing, birdwatching or … Freycinet Experience Walk is an eco certified, fully inclusive walking tour in Tasmania. Following a 31km long trail, the Freycinet Circuit walk takes in many of the pristine beaches over 2 or 3 days. Walk beaches of powder white sand. As the skipper steers his 12 enthralled passengers towards Schouten Island off the southern tip of the Peninsula, where we are headed for our first hike, we spot a seal within touching distance, before a close encounter with about a dozen dolphins. It is named after. Please be aware that there are no camping facilities at Bryans Corner. There is no water at this site. Walking the Freycinet Peninsula Circuit should be undertaken in an anti-clockwise direction to help stop the spread of Phytophthora cinnamomi, a fungus killing many native plants. By walking across Australia’s oldest bridge to Richmond, you arrive at a picturesque town which was an early Australian colonial village on the banks of the Coal River. Ascending Mount Graham is steep and challenging. This section of track involves a total climb of 500 metres. Or beach walking. The campsite is located at the southern end of the 1km-long Cooks Beach amongst dense coastal scrub. Walkers are advised to boil before drinking. Public transport will take walkers to Coles Bay and a morning service continues to the walking tracks car park. Tasmanian Parks Pass. Coles Bay. We have a duty of care to our community and want to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable camping experience. It was established in 1916, making it the oldest park of Tasmania. The Freycinet Peninsula, on Tasmania’s east coast, is the location of the exquisite and renowned Wineglass Bay and the photogenic red granite peaks of The Hazards. Cooks Beach Campsite to Wineglass Bay Campsite. Walking tips: Woken early, we breakfast in style and are rocking in a boat over the wild waves of Great Oyster Bay by 7.30am as we head to the Peninsula's southern tip for a 15 km hike that takes in the picture perfect Wineglass Bay. We have plugged in, recharged and feel at one with all there is. Freycinet National Park is reached from the Tasman Highway. It enjoys a mild year-round climate: warm and dry in summer, cool and temperate in winter. Perfect for those with a short time limit or those with … Heavy penalties will apply to illegal campfires. Gas stoves and gas barbecues are permitted. There is a composting toilet at the campsite, a large, sheltered camping area behind the dunes beneath blue gums, banksias and Oyster Bay pines. Freycinet National Park is located, as the name suggests, on the Freycinet Peninsula, on the east coast of Tasmania. The walk is definitely worth it, despite the struggles and the scrambling over the slippery steep rocks. Having parked inside the Freycinet National Park, the walking tracks will take you along the Wineglass Bay to Hazards Beach which is a fantastic slow start ideal for novices and families with kids. The walk is 4 km and takes about 3 hours. The Peninsula Circuit walk starts from the walking tracks car park about 4 kilometres further into the park from the Visitor Information Centre, which is near Coles Bay. Backtrack the length of Cooks Beach to the track junction and head inland to continue your circuit along the Peninsula Track. The day’s walks have been selected to bring guests to the most beautiful parts of the Freycinet Peninsula. Starting at the car park take the track to the right, which immediately becomes a boardwalk over the coastal scrub. Excellent views south to the southern end of Freycinet Peninsula and Schouten Island. You can also view the information on the campsites on our Freycinet overnight walker campsites page. Walkers can also be challenged by the optional climb to the top of Mount Freycinet (620m). The music of the sea, as it reaches us in wave after wave, remains the same. Moderate. This helps minimise the spread of Phytophthora (root rot. Hike spectacular pink granite mountains carrying only a small daypack. It encompasses beautiful beaches, red and pink granite formations as well as bush forests that are home to … , Freycinet Field CentrePrivate Bag 5Bicheno TAS 7215Phone: 03 6256 7000Email: , From here, you’re a hop, step and jump from ‘home’ along one of the top 10 beaches in the world, before climbing up and over The Hazards saddle to the carpark. The distance is of 38 km and was covered in 3 days with plenty of time to enjoy swimming in clear water, resting on pristine, secluded beaches, enjoying the unspoilt environment. This walk departs from the walking track car park, located approximately 2.5 km from the Lodge. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Distance: 11km of medium walking with some steep and challenging sections, Distance: 1.5km return, steep and occasionally difficult climb. By night, dine on freshly prepared Tasmanian produce before resting your head at the sustainably built Friendly … OVERVIEW Explore Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania’s most iconic coastal walking destination. While the past two days have been filled with dramatic dance and visual drama, today's walk subtly draws attention to varied textures, a myriad of colours and intricate patterns such as those made by the woodworm as it trails along the bark of trees, creating miniature dot paintings. Walking on the the wet sand will help prevent disturbing nesting shorebirds. Wineglass Bay is voted regularly by travel authorities as one of the world’s best beaches. Over the three days we walk three unique Freycinet walks. Cape Tourville has commanding views of the east coast of Freycinet, which made it the ideal spot to build a lighthouse and, more recently, a walking track. They start their sensual synchronicity from afar before coming within a metre of the boat, diving under it, and gracing us with an encore performance on the other side. Hazards Beach Campsite to Cooks Corner Campsite. Our site uses cookies. This walk is an ideal trip from your base at Cooks Corner campsite. Just a few hours into our four-day Freycinet walk on Tasmania's east coast, nature presents performance art at its best. Against a theatrical backdrop of emerald and aqua-hued water that sets off a pristine blue sky, two humpback whales, a child and parent, frolic in what seems to be the sheer joy of being alive. ), Follow Hazards Beach Track around the headland through coastal heathland, blue gum woodland and sheoak forest to Hazards Beach. WALK GRADE: 6 km return, 3-4 hours. ITINERARY: Located at the southern tip of the Freycinet Peninsula, Schouten Island is a stunning day trip with a difference. On your first day, you start with a gentle trail that goes through forests until it slowly descends to the coastline of Hazards Beach. Use our walk notes to help you plan out your Freycinet Peninsula Circuit experience. TERRAIN: Steep sections and rock scrambling. Freycinet Experience Walk is a four-day guided trek along the Freycinet Peninsula. Here we are wined and sumptuously dined by candlelight, nightcaps by the fireplace, and comfortably rest between soft Egyptian cotton sheets in a solar-powered, rainwater-reliant retreat. See detailed route notes below. Your guide will unfold maps of the Freycinet Peninsula and trace your path ahead for the day before boarding our vehicle for the short drive to the start of our walking adventure. The short trek to Wineglass Bay lookout is a bit of a scramble, but it's well worth it for one of Tasmania's most photographed views. By continuing to use our site you agree that you are happy for us to use cookies. We leave as we have entered, along the beach, in bare feet. Spend your days taking in stunning coastal vistas and the beauty of Tasmania’s flora and fauna. For more information please check the Campfire and safety - Fire restrictions pages. Wineglass Bay Lookout (1.5 hour/3km return walk) No trip to Freycinet is complete without a walk to the Wineglass Bay Lookout. Joan Masterman - Freycinet Experience Walk. The beautifully made track is steep in places, but rewarding, with an unforgettable view over Wineglass Bay. Mount Amos, the massive granite rock that dominates over the Freycinet Peninsula shines with faded white, pink and grey colours. Looking for a great trail near Freycinet, Tasmania? Walk Overview. Richmond Jail dates back to 1825 and is Australia’s oldest. Both are rich in birdlife. There we encounter visual art at its breath-taking best, fling off our shoes to feel its white sand, dive into its enlivening water and delight in its friendly wallaby that lingers close enough for us to get a good look at the joey in its pouch. What has changed is that the art of nature has done its work. Historic Cooks Hut (its stone section dating back to 1859) is located about 100m inland and is for emergency use only. The Peninsula Track continues along the coast to Cooks Beach, through much the same mix of coastal vegetation as the Hazards Beach Track. You also have the option of summiting Mount Freycinet as a side trip. Internationally renowned as one of the most breathtaking coastal peninsulas in Australia, the Freycinet National Park peninsula showcases beautiful crystal waters, stunning granite peaks and thriving wildlife. Further locations may be added if the fire risk in escalates over summer. It is with reluctance that we leave this haven to take the uphill trek to a view of Wineglass Bay from above. It takes you deep into the southern section of the Park, away from the busy tracks. The walk takes you along deserted beaches, up the pink granite slopes of Mount Graham and through the heart of the rich native heathlands of Freycinet National Park. The gates of the Freycinet National Park and the Visitor Centre are next to the Freycinet Lodge. The final day ushers a two-hour exploration around the lodge before a gasp-worthy final feast. This adventure involves trekking for up to 5 or 7 hours a day at a steady pace. If you're looking for the best trails in Freycinet National Park, we've got you covered. Freycinet Peninsula Circuit: The walk starts from the Walking Tracks Car Park, 4 km further into the park from the Visitor Information Centre near Coles Bay. The trail itself is well formed … With the 300m orange granite Hazards as its backbone, a sparkling and sometimes turquoise sea, some lovely beaches and coves on both sides and the usual fascinating wildlife, this peninsula provides some great walking. Freycinet Peninsula Circuit offers a taste of Freycinet National Park’s finest offerings: ocean views, sandy beaches, rocky coves, orange granite boulders, mountain summits, forests, heathlands, abundant birdlife, friendly wildlife – and the iconic Wineglass Bay. The campsite is at the far southern end of the 3km-long beach, nestled amongst blue gums, banksias and sheoaks. There is a composting toilet at the campsite, and water is available from Lagunta Creek. Just a few hours into our four-day Freycinet walk on Tasmania's east coast, nature presents performance art at its best. The latter is suitable for wheelchairs. This can be unreliable though and walkers are advised to boil before drinking. It looks like you are using an outdated browser. Save your favourite pages to your wishlist then print or send to yourself or a friend - maximum 70 items. Best Easy Stroll: Cape Tourville Circuit. The Beauty of the Freycinet Peninsula. Permits/Costs. Freycinet overnight walker campsites page. A scenic boat transfer from the southern tip of Freycinet peninsula, we explore the best Tasmanian walks and the famous Wineglass Bay track. WALK SUMMARY The Freycinet Peninsula, which protrudes southward from Tasmania's eastern coast, is rugged and lovely. The Freycinet Experience Walk is a four-day guided walk covering the entire length of the Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania’s East Coast, three hours drive from Hobart. My exposure to the Freycinet – name to the peninsula and its protecting national park on Tasmania’s east coast – was bookended by an initiating highway approach, squinting east into the glare of the white horse-flecked Great Oyster Bay; then, slumping from the farewelling flight north, casting a melancholy gaze over the peninsula and its watery frame. Hill walking with a pack in variable weather conditions is also recommended as you will be trekking with a full pack. Walks at Freycinet – Wineglass Bay Wineglass Bay can only be reached by foot or by boat. Variety is what Freycinet is all about. walking trails, the Freycinet peninsula is home to pure white beaches, pink granite mountains, coastal wetlands and eucalyptus forests. You’ll notice the large mud oysters in the middens and washed up on the beach – hence the name Great Oyster Bay. Campfire restrictions are in place for this location. You will need a good level of fitness and must be in good health. There is a composting toilet at the campsite, sheltered tent sites and tank water available, though this is unreliable. These cookies will be used in accordance with our privacy policy. Things to Look for in Freycinet. This circuit of Freycinet Peninsula, one of Tasmania’s “Great Bushwalks” has been on my “to do” list for a long time. The website may not appear as expected. The dry summer conditions have increased the risk of unattended or poorly constructed campfires escaping and becoming bushfires. Maps of the Freycinet Peninsula will be enthusiastically unfolded and your path ahead for the day will be traced before boarding our vehicle for … The Freycinet Walking Tour starts by meeting your Experiential guide in the Freycinet Lodge for an introduction and briefing. Walking Freycinet Peninsula Joan Masterman - Freycinet Experience Walk If the purpose of art is to help us plug into ourselves, then nature is the ultimate artist. Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service acknowledges and pays respect to Tasmanian Aboriginal people as the traditional and original owners, and continuing custodians of this land and acknowledges Elders – past, present and emerging. This means you will not be able to use campfires, fire pots and other solid fuels stoves. Print or send to yourself or a friend - maximum 70 items to a view of Bay. The Park, located approximately 2.5 km from the Lodge is the artist! Pure white beaches, pink and grey colours the Lodge before a gasp-worthy final feast side. 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