5.0. Fish produce waste, which increases harmful substances in the water, such as ammonia. Super charges naturally occurring bacteria to consume micronutrients For a new pond it could take months for natural bacteria levels to increase to a sufficient level, and a new filter on an established pond could also take weeks. This provides fish the best environment for hibernation/torpor during colder winter months. How to use: 1 ounce of bacteria treats up to 3,000 gallons of pond water. With that said, if you’ve recently added new biological media or just cleaned your current ones, adding new beneficial bacteria to the filter box can help boost the numbers before they can take a dip. If your pond is currently muddy, brown it can give your pond a very light blue tint until the muddiness clears. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The bacteria comes in liquid form, and includes a detailed dosing chart for easy application. Since most algae types have the same nutritional requirements as pond plants, it should be noted that most beneficial bacteria will not actually help reduce algae in your pond. For example, bacteria balls which sit inside a mesh bag within your filter would be ideal for improving filtration. Free shipping. Safe for humans, fish, livestock, pets, birds, swimming, consumption and irrigation 1 gallon treats 1 surface acre, 4-feet to 6-feet deep, helps break down dead leaves and weeds on … A great beneficial bacteria for koi or goldfish! S$54.25. Are they safe? One of our favorite beneficial bacteria treatments is The Pond Digger’s highly concentrated bacteria and enzyme treatment for garden ponds. Beneficial bacteria will begin to grow in your pond the moment water touches the pond lining, and will slowly multiply and establish as your pond continues to mature. About this item. Pond enhancer is a combination of blue pond dye and specialized beneficial bacteria designed to work in colder water. This bacteria is great for biological filters or waterfalls, and works efficiently during all seasons. A, Some pond bacteria supplements are better suited for different jobs, with the ones here being great boosts to biological filtration. Apply weekly until desired clarity is achieved. Still like pondworx it’s great price concentrated and works well. Watch. Biological filter media is usually optimized for maximum surface area so the highest number of bacteria are able to grow. Premium Pond Care Products. Bacteria has an incredibly important job in garden ponds, but what are good reasons to supplement with extra beneficial bacteria on top of the natural levels? This product is optimized for warmer temperatures, and is best used in early spring ready for summer. PondWorx Lake And Pond Dye - Ultra Concentrated - 1 Quart Treats 1 ... Blagdon Anti-Fungus & Bacteria Treatment for All Pond Fish, Finrot, Mouthrot, External Bacterial 7.7 7.2 Learn how your comment data is processed. Inside your filter, mechanical media will physically remove larger debris, and biologically optimized media will create housing for bacteria to colonize so they can break down harmful substances that stick to their surface. 4. Water … The bacteria is best added with a larger initial dose, and then slowly reduced to a maintenance dose after a few weeks. A filter bag is highly recommended for best results, but not included, so you would need to purchase one separately. If you have algae mats at the surface or below, bacteria won't kill the algae, it will compete for the nutrients in the pond. Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Contact | About, Best Beneficial Bacteria for Fish Ponds Guide 2020 (Updated). The formula is 100% natural and safe for both fish and pond plants. Use 250 ml of bacteria balls per 5,000 litres of pond water, and replace monthly. See all - Best Selling in Pond Water Treatments. This bacteria formula contains optimized dry powdered bacteria designed for maximum performance in warmer temperatures. Aquascape Maintain Pond Water Treatment for the Automatic Water Treatment Dosing System (# 96030) is specifically formulated for ponds containing fish and plants. KoiWorx Muck Reducer, 145 Tablets, Dry Beneficial Bacteria, Reduces Muck, Sludge, Organic Build up, 100% Natural Bacteria, Safe for koi 4.1 out of 5 stars 198 $25.99$25.99 Get it as soon as Wed, May 6 Type: Granulated, natural bacteria and barley. A highly concentrated beneficial bacteria treatment designed to work all year round, in both warm and cold conditions. Evolution Aqua’s PurePond bacteria comes in the form of small balls containing millions of natural beneficial bacteria strains. Will adding beneficial bacteria help prevent algae growth? How to use: For best results, add bacteria balls to a filter media bag and place in biological section of filter. Blue Lake and Pond Dye - 1 Gallon 4.4 out … Main Benefits of Beneficial Bacteria Products (Why It’s Good), 2) Reduces Filter Maintenance (Better Efficiency), Maximizing the Benefits from Beneficial Bacteria, Tips for buying the best beneficial bacteria product, Best Beneficial Pond Bacteria Reviews 2020 (Updated List), 1) The Pond Digger Beneficial Bacteria Review, 2) Atlantic Water Gardens Beneficial Bacteria Review, 1) Evolution Aqua Beneficial Bacteria Review, 2) Blagdon’s Bio-activator Beneficial Bacteria Review, Atlantic Water Gardens Beneficial Bacteria, The Pond Digger Beneficial Bacteria Review, Atlantic Water Gardens Beneficial Bacteria Review, Evolution Aqua Beneficial Bacteria Review, Blagdon’s Bio-activator Beneficial Bacteria Review, Best External Pond Pump 2020 (Reviews & Costs), Best Pond Filter Media 2020 (Reviews & Comparison), 10 Best Shrubs for Pond Edges 2020 (Top Pond Bushes), How to Plant & Grow Water Buttercup (Ranunculus lingua grandiflora), How to Plant & Grow Willow Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica), 13 Shade Loving Plants for Around Ponds [Updated], How to Plant & Grow Common Cowslip (Primula veris), How to Plant & Grow Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus), How to Plant & Grow American Water Willow (Justicia americana), Water Poppy Facts, Care & Planting Guide (Hydrocleys nymphoides), Best Pond Dye 2020 (Reviews & Comparison), Can Plecos Live in Outdoor Ponds? Required fields are marked *. Pond dying to help with algae problems. CDN$329.32. Our Pond Worx Pond Bacteria is non-toxic, natural, and will eat away at decaying vegetation, reducing odors and other factors that harm the natural balance of your pond or lake. This bacteria would be ideal for smaller ponds, even container ponds, or as a top up to a filter system in a larger pond. Pondworx Pond Bacteria contains safe and natural bacteria that eliminate muck, dead leaves, odors and other organic matter that can harm a pond or lake. Safely consumes dead plant matter Enhances good bacteria in your pond to create a clearer and beautiful look 1 gallon treats 1 surface acre, 4-feet to 6-feet deep, helps break down dead leaves and weeds on the pond floor 3.6 PondWorx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi - 1 Gallon; 3.7 Applied Biochemists 38005901015 76513 Cutrine-Plus Professional Strength Aquatic Algaecide, 1 gal; 3.8 API POND & WATERFALL CLEANER Pond Cleaner 2.2-Pound Container Some of the things to consider are: Due to the different brands available between the US and UK markets, we’ve researched and divided our categories to provide both American and UK pond owners a review on the best beneficial pond bacteria supplements currently available. The next season I added aeration to the formula … The product works best in early spring and is dosed monthly all the way through to October. 3.3 API POND ECOFIX SLUDGE DESTROYER Pond Cleaner And Sludge Remover With Natural Bacteria 64-Ounce Bottle; 3.4 Tetra 77188 Algae Control Treats 36000 gallons, 101.4-Ounce; 3.5 PondWorx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi - 1 Gallon Using beneficial bacteria for ponds is a key step to your pond muck removal efforts. PondWorx Pond Bacteria – Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi – 1 Gallon, Be the first to review “PondWorx Pond Bacteria – Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi – 1 Gallon”. Free shipping. The reason why they’re “aerobic” in nature is because they thrive in oxygenated conditions, whereas anaerobic bacteria (the bad kind) thrive in low-oxygen conditions; such as an unclean filter box. These inorganic compounds are readily used by pond plants, which will, in turn, produce more organic substances for bacteria as they make use of minerals and sunlight to grow. The Best Trampolines – Ultimate Buying Guide; Best Rebounder for Lymphatic Drainage – Mini Trampoline; Black Friday & Cyber Monday Trampoline Deal Pondworx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi - 1 Gallon. Eliminates muck, dead leaves, odors and other organic matter that can harm a pond or lake Clean your pond with #1 pond cleaning bacteria, PlanktoniX. Adding more bacteria to your filter will also reduce overall cleaning and maintenance, as the new bacteria will be more efficient at breaking down organic debris and substances. Safely breaks down muck and dead vegetation. The bulk of your beneficial bacteria will be in your pond’s main filtration system. Do I need to use beneficial bacteria products? The best time to add the bacteria would be at the start of spring, or end of fall, or during a heavy water change to increase bacteria levels. Super charges naturally occurring bacteria to consume micronutrients 0 users rated this 3 out of 5 stars … Would be a good choice for filter systems or to boost overall pond health! Our liquid pond bacteria product, Pond Worx pond bacteria, will help keep your pond clear of muck and sludge. If you have heavy fish stocks, having more beneficial bacteria present will help control... 2) Reduces Filter Maintenance (Better Efficiency). Aerobic beneficial bacteria work to convert harmful substances, such as ammonia from organic waste, into less harmful nitrites, and then nitrates – a process called the nitrogen cycle. Write a review. This creates a natural cycle that is at the heart of a healthy ponds eco-system. Beneficial bacteria in your pond and filter media will break this down into harmless substances, but in some cases, there just isn’t enough bacteria present to reduce levels sufficiently. Eliminates muck, dead leaves, odors and other organic matter that can harm a pond or lake This process occurs naturally in all garden ponds, and does not require the addition of commercial bacteria supplements for the process to work. Our Pond Worx Pond Bacteria is non-toxic, natural, and will eat away at decaying vegetation, reducing odors and other factors that harm the natural balance of your pond or lake. 25ml will treat up to 900 litres of pond water. Leave it to our proprietary blend of pond bacteria to do the tough cleaning for you. WORLD'S BEST TREE FELLING TUTORIAL! Our Pond Worx Pond Bacteria is non-toxic, natural, and will eat away at decaying vegetation, reducing odors and other factors that harm the natural balance of your pond or lake. Pond Enhaner is a great 2 in 1 product to use all year long. Yes, pondworx is another good brand, especially for larger ponds as it’s decent value. This maintenance dose can be kept up so fish retain a cleaner and healthier environment. Premium Pond Care Products. CDN$327.99. CFU, or colony-forming units, is the amount that bacteria can divide (multiply) under controlled conditions. In these cases, especially if you have koi or goldfish, supplementing with a natural beneficial bacteria product can be extremely helpful to maintain clean water and reduce harmful substance build-up. item 7 PondWorx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds Water Features and Safe f... 7 - PondWorx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds Water Features and Safe f... $37.41. S$47.42. A very good product for heavy fish stocked ponds or ponds heavy in debris! Free shipping. A beneficial pond bacteria product designed to provide biological filtration for filter-less ponds, but also an ideal solution for regular ponds as a top-up or to improve health. The best time to add this bacteria is at the start of spring to kick-start a filters biological filtration system ready for the rest of the year. Pond plants will directly compete with algae for nutrients, but if you do not have a planted pond, beneficial bacteria can actually promote algae growth. How to use: 1 quart treats approx 5,000 gallons for the initial application. 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 7 product ratings (7) $21.98 … Only 2 left in stock. It comes with a built-in measuring chamber and every 10 ml of bacteria can effectively treat around 200 litres of pond water. Ratings and Reviews. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. API Pond Chlorine & Heavy Metal Neutralizer, Instantly Makes tap Water Safe, Super Concentrated, 1 oz Treats 600 GAL of…, Eco Labs BSDT32 Broad Spectrum Disease Treatment, 32 Ounce (Pack of 1), Bio-Zone Pond Enzyme Treatment – Ecofriendly Water Cleaner with Natural Reduces Bacteria, Fish Waste, Cloudiness –450…, Eco Labs BSDTGAL Broad Spectrum Disease Treatment Gallon. It doesn’t work well to reduce sludge, however, so this needs to be taken into account. Beneficial bacteria will help control natural organic substances produced by fish, but cannot remove color pollutants or heavier organic compounds. Repeat dosage every 5 days for 4 doses total, then once a month until October. Adding Pond Worx beneficial pond bacteria to your pond not only helps break down muck and dead vegetation on the pond floor, it also helps neutralize nitrates and phosphates, two things that can feed the growth of unwanted weeds and algae. See all Item description. From http://pondalgaesolutions.com/healthypondsproducts.html - Learn how to get the best results from using beneficial bacteria in your pond. Always wake up to the cleanest, most crystal clear water; Impress your neighbors with jaw-dropping water color The bacteria is optimized for free-swimming substance breakdown and works well to neutralize ammonia and nitrogen from pond fish. This product is not meant for algae treatment, Your email address will not be published. How to use: Shake well and apply evenly to pond water or directly to filter box. Pond Worx. Filters with healthy bacteria populations rarely require cleaning, and the biological media can usually be left almost indefinitely so long as bacteria populations remain healthy and stable. Eco Labs Microbe Lift is a 100% natural bacteria and enzyme supplement designed to create a cleaner and healthier environment for fish to grow. The product contains over 1 billion colony-forming units (CFU) per gram, making this product a great choice for ponds in need of a large boost of beneficial bacteria and substance breakdown. Some of the main reasons why pond owners choose to add beneficial bacteria products are below: If you have a pond with fish, especially a heavy stocked or small pond, supplementing with beneficial bacteria can help improve fish health and overall water quality. Beneficial bacteria supplements are a great way to top up a pond’s natural bacteria levels to further reduce harmful substances and maintain clear pond water. Bacteria based products help naturally occurring bacteria to accelerate the … CDN$198.00 (2-Pack) Time Release 6 lb Muck Block - Lake & Pond Sludge Silt Muck Odor Remover Eliminator 4.0 out of 5 stars 4. Ponds Today is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Endless.com, MYHABIT.com, SmallParts.com, or AmazonWireless.com. Leave it to our proprietary blend of pond bacteria to do the tough cleaning for you. PondWorx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi - 1 Gallon 4.2 out of 5 stars 1,316. Blagdon’s Bio-activator bacteria supplement contains billions of denitrifying bacteria to help reduce fish waste and harmful substance buildup. The pond bottom was black and you would sink down about a foot if you tried to enter the pond. Microbe-Lift NiteOutII for Home Aquariums, 16-Ounce (Packaging may vary) 4.6 out of 5 stars 249. On top of natural bacteria which will break down harmful substances, it also contains a blend of electrolytes, enzymes, and other probiotic microbes to help improve water clarity and reduce bottom sludge. A concentrated beneficial bacteria treatment designed as a pond kick-start in early spring, or for new pond builds. 3. We recommend Fluval filter media bags, as the size is ideal for the bacteria balls. PondWorx Pond Bacteria - Formulated for Large Ponds, Water Features and Safe for Koi - 4 Gallon Value Pack 4.2 out of 5 stars 9. Without bacteria in a pond, muck levels would rapidly build up on the pond floor, which in turn provides a nutrient source for algae and weed growth. Your email address will not be published. After 1 season of adding bacteria without aeration the pond bottom along the shore a couple of feet in went from black to looking almost like new fresh clay. $33.34. Shipping, Returns & Payments. Another consideration is how the beneficial bacteria is added to your pond, which may be important depending on the reason you need the bacteria. Pondworx Dye and Bacteria Combo Pondworx Pond Enhancer is combination of our blue pond dye and beneficial bacteria. If you have a lot of fish, or fish in a small volume of water, the amount of ammonia can quickly rise to dangerous levels. Excess organic substances are a primary cause of cloudy water, mostly due to excess proteins from fish and feed, and beneficial bacteria are able to help break this down. In fact, a slow decrease in water clarity over time is almost always due to some kind of organic substance imbalance. It does not require a mesh bag, and is installed using the measured cap included with the bottle. And if you’d rather not buy a beneficial bacteria product, we do have some DIY methods to grow your own beneficial bacteria. The bacteria work the same as naturally occurring pond bacteria, breaking down ammonia and nitrogen from decomposing debris and fish waste, and have been optimized for improving water clarity. My original pond was close to 20 years old with a lot of muck before I started adding bacteria. The Clean Treatment contains a powerful combination of sludge eating bacteria and enzymes and will help to significantly reduce sludge that may have developed in your pond, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your … Beneficial bacteria will naturally colonize most ponds over time, but sometimes bacteria levels can be depleted, or the pond environment may not be suitable for maximum bacteria growth. If you have a shallow pond with lots of extra nutrients (lawn fertilizer runoff, grass clippings, leaves, fish, geese) this is a tool to help turn the tide against the nutrients that feed algae and undesireable plants. Its highly concentrated bacteria strains break down harmful substances, such as ammonia, which can effect fish growth and health. Product Trade Name: Pond-Vive, Sludge Removing Bacteria Date: 06-01-14 Company: EasyPro Pond Products Address: 4385 E 110th, Grant, MI 49327 USA Emergency Telephone: 800 -4249300 (CHEMTREC) Phone: 231 -8347720 Fax: 231 5537 International: 1-703-527-3887 Section 2 - Hazardous Ingredients Contains NO hazardous components as listed in 29 CFR 1900.1000 or other pertinent … Beneficial bacteria supplements contain the same bacteria strains as those found naturally in ponds, so all a supplement product will do is greatly enhance the levels already present. How to use: Shake well and apply evenly across your pond water during Spring. To get the best results from beneficial bacteria you can combine it with a range of products to maximize its efficiency and drastically improve pond health and water clarity. (Cold Water & Plecos), Do Pond Fish Hibernate? Best Selling in Pond Water Treatments. 0.2 oz) per 1000 gallons weekly. The right bacteria make a great addition to your pond, breaking down dead plants and other muck along the floor. Airmax Eco Systems 570100 Pond Clear Packet- 24 packets 3.5 out of 5 stars 46. Beneficial bacteria will not help with dirty water from sediment, or green water caused by algae, and also cannot remove some organic pollutants. A properly designed pond will provide a large amount of surface area, usually in the form of small rocks. Our Pond Worx Pond Bacteria is non-toxic, natural, and will eat away at decaying vegetation, reducing odors and other factors that harm the natural balance of your pond or lake. Our liquid pond bacteria product, Pond Worx pond bacteria, will help keep your pond clear of muck and sludge. The bacteria comes in the form of a liquid, so needs to be spread evenly across your pond surface in areas of good water flow. One of the primary metabolic processes of these kind of organisms is called heterotrophy (hence the name), which is the breakdown of organic matter into its constituent inorganic compounds, like nitrates and phosphates. Not all bacteria products are made equal, and although most contain the same natural heterotrophic bacteria strains, the concentrations can vary, as well as additional ingredients. … For the next 4 weeks add 12 oz per week, and then a monthly maintenance of 12 oz per month. We have listed below our best pond bacteria picks available to both the US and UK market. How to use: Intended for water temperatures above 55 °F (13 °C). $43.99. Adding Pond Worx beneficial pond bacteria to your pond not only helps break down muck and dead vegetation on the pond floor, it also helps neutralize nitrates and phosphates, two things that can feed the growth of unwanted weeds and algae. 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