met with 7. In Foxy Openings Vol. 3.c4 transposes into the Symmetrical English. The move 4...e5 has had a long history; Louis-Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais used it in his matches against Alexander McDonnell in 1834, and it was also popular for a short time in the 1940s. [ 1 0 ] It was later the subject of analyses by leading players of the day Alessandro Salvio (1604), Don Pietro Carrera (c. 1617), and Gioachino Greco (1623), and later Comte Carlo Francesco Cozio (c. 1740). I do like the Sicilian Defence, for both sides, but got discouraged as Black by all the theory, particularly after I suffered at the hands of several White players with a "pet" anti-Sicilian weapon like those below! 2...Nc6 is the most common choice, but 2...e6 and 2...d6 are often played. If the complications after 6.g4 are not to White's taste, a major alternative is 6.Be2, a typical line being 6...a6 (this position can be reached from the Najdorf via 5...a6 6.Be2 e6) 7.0-0 Be7 8.f4 0-0. 30, IM Danny Kopec suggests the move 3.Bd3 against any of Black's common responses, intending to follow up with c3 and Bc2. Games Played in the London International Chess Tournament 1883 (reprint ed.). Click here to see how to play it, counter it, and it's theory. White can also keep options open with 3.Nge2. The old main line 7.Nb3 is now less popular than the modern 7.Nf3, after which the game usually continues 7...h6 8.0-0 Be7 9.Re1 0-0 10.h3. the queen on d8) that also has to defend the d-pawn. The resulting position after 6.c4 Nf6 7.N1c3 a6 8.Na3 b6 is a type of Hedgehog. "[19][20], The Sicilian continued to be shunned by most leading players at the start of the twentieth century, as 1...e5 held centre stage. The Sicilian Defence was analysed by Giulio Polerio in his 1594 manuscript on chess,[9] though he did not use the term 'Sicilian Defence'. The opening is named after the Polish-Argentine grandmaster Miguel Najdorf. This line is known as "The Kopec System [fr]."[40]. 2.e5, which gains space and prevents Black playing ...Nf6. [15] Wilhelm Steinitz, the first World Champion, also disliked the Sicilian and rejected it in favour of 1...e5. [B][16] The death of the opening's two greatest proponents, Staunton and Anderssen, in 1874 and 1879 respectively, also contributed to its decline. Instead of 6...e6, Black can also try Benko's move 6...Qb6, which forces White to make a decision over the d4-knight. Black can block the check with 3...Bd7, 3...Nc6 or 3...Nd7. Black's major responses are 3...g6 preparing ...Bg7, 3...d6 preparing ...Bd7 (a hybrid line that also arises from the Moscow Variation after 2...d6 3.Bb5+ Nc6), and 3...e6 preparing 4...Nge7. 2...e5 transposes into a variant of the Vienna Game. Players usually enter the Grand Prix Attack nowadays by playing 2.Nc3 first before continuing 3.f4. [24], Nonetheless, some leading players, such as Emanuel Lasker (World Champion from 1894 to 1921), Frank Marshall, Savielly Tartakower, and Aron Nimzowitsch, and later Max Euwe (World Champion from 1935 to 1937) played the Sicilian. This is not too good of an idea. Sign Up. [45] In view of possible transpositions to the main Sicilian variations, Black has various replies to 2.Nc3 in the Open Sicilian. Nowadays its strongest practitioners include grandmasters Sergei Tiviakov and Eduardas Rozentalis. Search. ", The earliest recorded notes on the Sicilian Defence date back to the late 16th century by the Italian chess players Giulio Polerio and Gioachino Greco.[7][8]. Black's options are similar to those for 2.Nf3, the most common being ...Nc6, along with ...e6 and ...d6, and less commonly ...a6 and ...g6. Possible moves are 3.g3 and 3.f4 in general, also 3.Nge2, and less commonly 3.d3 and 3.Bc4. Also, Black has the plan of playing 10...f5, followed by ...fxe4 and ...f5 with the second f-pawn, which would give them good control of the centre. The unparalleled popularity of the Sicilian has led to the creation of an entire chess galaxy that is too vast for even the best and brightest minds to comprehend fully. loses to 5.Qa4+. Black sometimes plays 3...e5 to avoid both moves; then 4.Bc4 is considered White's best move. This prepares ...Nf6 to attack the e-pawn without letting White push it to e5. [21] Similarly, James Mason wrote, "Fairly tried and found wanting, the Sicilian has now scarcely any standing as a first-class defence. ?, when Black can play either 4...Nxe4 or 4...Qa5+. Other responses by White to the Classical include 6.Be3, 6.f3, and 6.g3. Two drawbacks are that (a) the Closed Sicilian lines with an early Nge2 are not very challenging for Black, and (b) if Black plays 2...Nc6 3.Nge2 g6, 4.d4 reaches an Accelerated Dragon where White has lost the option of playing c4, the Maróczy Bind, often considered White's best line. The Sicilian defense is the most popular opening and one of the best responses to White’s first move 1.e4. after 6.N1c3 a6 7.Na3 b5 8.Nd5 Nge7, which avoids White's plan of Bg5 and Bxf6 to inflict doubled f-pawns on Black. Today, most leading grandmasters include the Sicilian in their opening repertoire. Today. Most common here is 3...cxd4 but 3...Bg7 is also played. [42] or (b) 4...e6 (the main line) 5.Nxd5 exd5 6.d4 Nc6 7.dxc5 Bxc5 8.Qxd5 Qb6 (8...d6 9.exd6 Qb6 is also played)[43] 9.Bc4! Codes B30 through B39 cover the lines beginning 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 that do not transpose into lines that can also begin with 2...d6. It brings the bishop to an aggressive square. After 2...g6, White commonly plays 3.d4. 1. e4 c5 2. c3. The Najdorf Variation is Black's most popular system in the Sicilian Defence. It produces the psychological and tension factors which denote the best in modern play and gives notice of a fierce fight on the very first move."[32]. These earlier games focused on the Löwenthal Variation (similar to the Kalashnikov but the reply to 5.Nb5 is 5...a6) with 4...e5 5.Nb5 a6 6.Nd6+ Bxd6 7.Qxd6 Qf6, where Black gives up the two bishops to achieve a lead in development. It was later the subject of analyses by leading players of the day Alessandro Salvio (1604), Don Pietro Carrera (c. 1617), and Gioachino Greco (1623), and later Conte Carlo Francesco Cozio (c. 1740). Another idea for White is 5.Bc4, which is met by 5...Qc7. Also possible is 5.c4 to create a Maróczy Bind setup. B27: Sicilian defence - 1. e4 c5 2. In 1851, when the Great Exhibition London Tournament was commenced, it was entirely out of favor, but its successful adoption on so many occasions by Anderssen, the first prize winner, entirely restored it to confidence. White's third most common move is 6.Be2, (ECO codes B58–B59), after which Black can remain in independent variations with the Boleslavsky Variation 6...e5, named after Isaac Boleslavsky. pp. Learn. Play. The main reason for it's popularity is that the Sicilian is a fighting defense. [12] The Sicilian was fairly popular for much of the nineteenth century; Louis-Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais, Adolf Anderssen, Howard Staunton, Louis Paulsen, and Carl Jaenisch all played it with some consistency. is met by 6.Bb5+!, when Black must either play 6...Bd7 or 6...Nbd7. An alternative idea is the immediate 5...b5 to create pressure from the queenside with the idea of playing ...b4 attacking the c3-knight, or ...Bb7 to build pressure along the long white-squared diagonal. The idea behind the English Opening is: White is trying to get Black out of his normal 1.d4 defense (Whether it's Kings Indian, Nimzo, or Queen's Gambit Declined) and transition into lines he is uncomfortable with. After 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3, Black has some less commonly played options apart from 2...d6, 2...Nc6 and 2...e6. Staunton (three weeks before his death), ... pronounced it to be quite trustworthy, and on the same date Lowenthal expressed a similar opinion. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. It is named after the Russian master Semyon Alapin (1856–1923). An important difference between this line and the Dragon is that Black avoids playing ...d7–d6, so that they can later play ...d7–d5 in one move, if possible. "[31] In 1965, in the tenth edition of that book, grandmaster Larry Evans observed that, "The Sicilian is Black's most dynamic, asymmetrical reply to 1.P-K4. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. White's pressure on the d6-pawn often compels Black to respond to Bxf6 with ...gxf6, rather than recapturing with a piece (e.g. The Petrov Defense is one of the most hated openings in chess. Black develops the knight to a natural square and keeps options open regarding the placement of the other pieces. On the other hand, White has the option of 6.c4—the Maróczy Bind—which solidifies control of d5 and clamps down on ...b5, but leaves the d4-square slightly weak. "[C] In this period Black's approach was usually slow and positional, and the all-out attacks by White that became common after World War II had not yet been developed. "[11], In 1813, the English master Jacob Henry Sarratt effectively standardised his English translation of the name of this opening as 'the Sicilian Defence', referring to an old Italian manuscript that used the phrase il gioco siciliano ('the Sicilian game'). White generally answers with 6.Bd3, supporting the e4-pawn. After 4...Nf6, White usually replies 5.Nc3. [30], The fortunes of the Sicilian were further revived in the 1940s and 1950s by players such as Isaac Boleslavsky, Alexander Kotov, and Miguel Najdorf. The Rossolimo Variation, 3.Bb5, is a well-respected alternative to 3.d4. Another possibility for White is 3.c3, intending to establish a pawn centre with d4 next move. After 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4, Black has three main moves: 4...Nc6 (the Taimanov Variation), 4...a6 (the Kan Variation) and 4...Nf6. "Every strong chess player should have his own opening theory which is different from the mainstream theory." Command of the field, especially in the centre, is too readily given over to the invading force. In order to profit from the initiative granted by the first move, White has to make use of his opportunity to do something before Black has an equal number of opportunities of his own. 3.c3 transposes to lines of the Alapin Variation after 3...Nf6 or 3...d5, while 3.c4 transposes into the Symmetrical English. The move 6.Bg5 was Kurt Richter's invention, threatening to double Black's pawns after Bxf6 and forestalling the Dragon by rendering 6...g6 unplayable. [46] White may decline the gambit with 3.Nc3, called the "Toilet Variation", so named after its reputed place of invention. The English Opening is a chess opening when the following moves are played: 1.c4. Right now I am in one of those phases but I am determined to stick with it and really improve so I have been taking on tactics and end game studying but my Achilles heel has always been the opening theory. The line 2...Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 resembles Alekhine's Defence, but the inclusion of the moves c3 and ...c5 is definitely in Black's favour. Sergei Rublevsky and Tomáš Oral both play this line as well as the Moscow Variation. White could also protect the pawn on e4 with 5.Bd3 which also allows the option of setting up a Maróczy Bind formation with a later c2-c4, or interpose a check with 5.Bb5+ Nbd7 6.Bd3 or 5.Bb5+ Bd7 6.Bxd7+ Nbxd7. The Sicilian is one of the major answers to 1.e4. 2...a6 is the O'Kelly Variation. White aims to set up a classical pawn centre with 3.d4, so Black should counter immediately in the centre by 2...Nf6 or 2...d5. Today. Named after Ilya Kan. By playing 4...a6, Black prevents Nb5 and prepares an eventual ...b5 advance. The most frequent continuation is 3...Nf6 4.Be2, when 4...Nxe4?? The Sicilian Defence was analysed by Giulio Polerio in his 1594 manuscript on chess, [9] though he did not use the term “Sicilian Defence”. However, 3...Nf6 gives White an extra option in 4.dxc5! Black usually plays 6...e6 to limit the range of White's bishop, but White can eventually put pressure on the e6-pawn by pushing the f-pawn to f5 (pawn-based attack beginning with f4). How can it be good? Thus 9...gxf6 is forced, and White continues 10.Nd5. The Sicilian defence is undoubtedly the most popular opening in modern chess, to such an extent that it makes up a quarter of all games in the Chess Informant database. It is the most successful of all Black's defences to 1.e4, although this success has resulted in the opening accumulating a … The Sicilian Defense can be broken down into four main variations: The Najdorf, The Classical Sicilian, The Dragon, and the Scheveningen. Kasparov's point is that the immediate 5...e6 (the Scheveningen Variation, discussed below) allows 6.g4, which is White's most dangerous line against the Scheveningen. A rarer option on Black's second move is 2...e6, with the aim of transposing to the Advance Variation of the French Defence after 3.d4 d5 4.e5. The World Team Variation of the Moscow Variation continues with 5.c4 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.0-0 g6 8.d4 cxd4 9.Nxd4 Bg7 10.Nde2 Qe6, forking White's pawns on e4 and c4. Black may forego ...Nf6 in favour of ...Ne7, e.g. The Sicilian Defense is widely considered the best defense against white's e4 opening move. Log In. The ideas in this line are similar to those in the Sveshnikov – Black accepts a backward pawn on d6 and weakens the d5-square but gains time by chasing the knight. "[5] Grandmaster Jonathan Rowson considered why the Sicilian is the most successful response to 1.e4, even though 1...c5 develops no pieces and the pawn on c5 controls only d4 and b4. The pawn trade also opens the c-file for Black, who can place a rook or queen on that file to support the queenside counterplay. For example, if White tries to play in the style of the Yugoslav Attack with 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2, 8...d5! The Kasparov Gambit 8...d5 was played twice in the World Chess Championship 1985, but virtually disappeared from master praxis after the game Karpov–van der Wiel, Brussels (SWIFT) 1986. The Main line of the Closed Sicilian is 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6 (diagram), when White's main options are 6.Be3 followed by Qd2 and possibly 0-0-0, and 6.f4 followed by Nf3 and 0-0. According to Jeremy Silman and others, Black's best reply is 2...d5 3.exd5 Nf6!, the Tal Gambit, which has caused the immediate 2.f4 to decline in popularity. Currently, White's most popular weapon against the Najdorf is 6.Be3. "[23] The Sicilian was not seen even once in the 75 games played at the great St. Petersburg 1914 tournament. … So the thought behind 1...c5 is this: "OK, I'll let you open the position, and develop your pieces aggressively, but at a price – you have to give me one of your center pawns. ... [It] is too defensive. In many variations of the Sicilian, Black makes a number of further pawn moves in the opening (for example, ...d6, ...e6, ...a6, and ...b5). This variation leads to extremely sharp play and is ferociously complicated, since the players castle on opposite wings and the game becomes a race between White's kingside attack and Black's queenside counterattack. ... Its only benefit is that it gets out of theory. 286–87. One of the ideas of this system is to develop the king's bishop to b4 or c5. Report Abuse. This move was suggested by Irina Krush, and played in the Kasparov–The World, 1999 online game. The Accelerated Dragon (or Accelerated Fianchetto) is a chess opening variation of the Sicilian Defence that begins with the moves: . Black can also transpose to the Scheveningen Variation with 6...e6; or to the Classical Variation of the Dragon with 6...g6. On the other hand, in the Four Knights move order, White acquires the extra option of 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Ne4, so White is not obliged to enter the Sveshnikov. White's powerful knight on d5 and Black's shattered kingside pawn structure are compensated by Black's bishop pair and White's offside knight on a3. It is named after Nicolas Rossolimo and is related to the Moscow Variation. The Sicilian Defence is a chess opening that begins with the following moves: The Sicilian is the most popular and best-scoring response to White's first move 1.e4. My Many lines transpose to the Open Sicilian, the Moscow Variation, or the Rossolimo Variation, but there are many that do not. 2.Nc3 is White's second most common move responding to 1.e4 c5. By playing 5...a6 first, Black temporarily prevents White's g4 thrust and waits to see what White plays instead. The immediate 5...e5?! Accessibility: Enable blind mode. The Sicilian Defense is the most popular defense against white’s opening 1.e4 and is used extensively at top level play. Also, Black would have to accept the doubled f-pawns in the main line of the opening. The Accelerated Dragon features an early ...g6 by Black. Later, Bent Larsen, Ljubomir Ljubojević, Lev Polugaevsky, Leonid Stein, Mark Taimanov, and Mikhail Tal all made extensive contributions to the theory and practice of the defence. Help. Both players favoured sharp, aggressive play and employed the Sicilian almost exclusively throughout their careers, burnishing the defence's present reputation. 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